Why you don’t wear 80% of your clothes (And how to turn it around in 5 days)

Learn how to edit your closet the right way, so it’s filled with pieces that look like “YOU”…even if you’re in-between sizes or have too many clothes!

As seen in:

As seen in:

About those unworn clothes in your closet…

It's not just that they don’t serve you — they're hurting you.

Every misaligned piece in your closet is a reminder of who you're not.
  • The pieces you used to love, but now you don’t.
  • The items that looked good before, but not anymore.
  • The clothes that once worked, but now feel off.

These items represent your old identities, previous sizing and limiting beliefs.
They don’t just clutter up your closet...

— They drain your energy.
— Make you feel bad.
— And keep you stuck in an outdated self image. 

This is why you see the past when you look in the mirror. 

It's why you think you need to buy more clothes.

After styling 1000s of midlife women, the biggest mistake I see is thinking more clothes = better options.

That’s why we buy buy buy! We want more choice.

And to feel better.

☹️ But buying more clothes creates more confusion.

☹️ Guilt.

☹️ And indecision.

More clothes also give a false sense of security.

You may feel the dopamine hit at checkout, but once those unworn pieces pile up, tags still attached, the truth sets in

More clothing is the problem.

Curating your wardrobe with fewer, well-chosen pieces will give you more CHOICE.

Because you'll want to wear it all!

Typical decluttering methods won't work.

Have you ever done your own closet cleanout, and then quickly fallen back into a rut? 
It's because you’re not editing your wardrobe to support your next life stage.

This is why I created the Guided Closet Cleanout Challenge

I wanted you to learn how to edit your wardrobe the right way— aligning your style with your next chapter to create space for your evolving identity.

My intention is that as you shed everything that no longer aligns, you’ll start seeing yourself differently — through the lens of self acceptance — which allows a more authentic version to emerge and light up all areas of your life.

Unlike typical cleanouts that just declutter, this experience elevates your style for your next life stage!

This is the method I use with my private clients to help them clear out 70% of their clothing and still feel like they have more CHOICE in their wardrobe.

The Guided Closet Cleanout Will Serve You Well...

Whichever situation you find yourself in:
  • Starting a new job: You need your clothes to clearly convey your new role so there’s no underestimating who you are (and what you’re capable of!)
  • Working remote: Your casual wear must keep you energized so you don't sink into the couch, or get overlooked on Zoom. 
  • Moved homes: You want your wardrobe to suit your new location so you don’t feel out of place and like you don’t belong.
  • Gained or lost weight: You’re ready to have well fitting clothes that highlight your new shape so you can stop feeling self conscious about how you look. 
  • Going back into the office: With all eyes on you, you want to feel like you’ve got your act together, and are ready to own the day.
  • Recently retired: It's time to have fun with your style, which means you must downsize your wardrobe and get rid of the extra crap.
What's Inside The Challenge?

Pro Techniques To Take Your Closet From Random to Refined

  • The 3 Pillars of the Next Stage Style Method so you can become a confident curator who knows & owns her personal style.
  • 6 days of expert instruction so you can transform your closet into a space filled only with clothes that feel like YOU.
  • How to tell if your clothes are outdated so you can keep your wardrobe fresh and relevant.
  • Avoid the #1 mistake midlife women make that leads to a misaligned wardrobe, so you can address the issue and control the clutter.
  • The 3 factors every item of clothing must meet to ensure you’ll actually wear it and feel amazing.
  • The key questions to ask for evolving your wardrobe with clarity and confidence, making your cleanout a repeatable system.

What You Get When You Sign Up For The Challenge:

A structured System To Assess your wardrobe So You Can see what belongs and what doesn't

Drawing on my years as a magazine fashion editor, I'll teach you to view your clothing with an editor's eye to identify the key pieces that serve your style and those that don't.

Expert Guidance To Clarify Your Decisions with conviction

While the choice is simple - to clear or wear - the process of deciding while untangling attachments can feel complex. I'll help you cut through the confusion with straightforward, easy-to-follow guidance so you can make the tough decisions with clarity and confidence and let go of the guilt tied up in your unworn clothes.

Pro Styling Techniques To Reacquaint yourself with what you own

By discerning what fits your evolving needs, you can adapt your existing wardrobe to suit your next stage style, making the most of what you already have.

You Also Get These Extras

The Clearing Playbooks

For visual learners who like to write stuff down, each day of the challenge comes with its own clearing playbook that provides written support to put your insights into action and shape your next stage style.

The Clearing Playlist

Energizing, delightful and yours to keep. Previous participants ALL agree the music was an INCREDIBLE asset for getting the job done.

Get These Bonuses To Clear Even More:

Bonus 1:

Your Signature Statement

Your signature statement is the cornerstone of your unique style, guiding your wardrobe and personal evolution. By crafting a custom blend of keywords, you'll gain clear insights into what to keep and what to clear, making it easier to shop, dress with confidence, and express your individuality.

Bonus 2: 

Donation & Selling Guide

Once you’ve gathered the clothes ready to go, this guide offers a curated list of top donation centers, recycling options, and selling platforms — so you can make a positive impact and get the best return on your clothing.

By The End Of The Challenge, You Could Have This...


By sharpening your eye to recognize outdated items, you'll avoid wearing clothes past their prime, which can give off the wrong impression.


By culling the clothes you’ll never wear, you’ll be left with a collection of go-to pieces you’re excited about.


Once you clear the outdated and unworn items, your wardrobe will uplift and support your evolving life and future goals, allowing you to express yourself authentically.

You can also expect bags of clothing to donate or discard, a curated foundation for your next stage style, and a sense of freedom from clearing out what no longer fits who you're becoming!

Are you ready? We start Sept. 23rd

Let's Do This!

The Guided Closet Cleanout Challenge

  • 5 days of challenge instruction
  • Bonus Style Tutorial with Q & A
  • Clearing Playbooks
  • Clearing Playlist
  • Bonus 1: Your Signature Statement
  • Bonus 2: Donation & Selling Guide
  • Lifetime access



The Guided Closet Cleanout Challenge UPGRADE

+45-Min Private Styling Session With Elysha

  • 5 days of challenge instruction
  • Bonus Style Tutorial With Q & A
  • Clearing playbooks
  • Clearing Playlist
  • Bonus 1: Your Signature Statement
  • Bonus 2: Donation & Selling Guide
  • lifetime Access
  • Private 45-min personal Styling Session (value $600)

Limited to 10 spots, must be used within 90 days



See what other women In Their Midlife Era, just like you, have to say:

I would look in my wardrobe, and have all these clothes, and think, I don’t have anything to wear, I need to buy new clothes.

Now I’m no longer like OMG I need a whole new wardrobe! Because I see I have a lot of really great stuff. Also now that I’m seeing my wardrobe differently, I’m putting my clothes together differently.


This was way more than a closet cleanout - it was a reset/refresh on who I am, who I am becoming, and how I want to present myself to the world. The lessons Elysha incorporated into the session gave my purging a context, which made my choices to get rid of things intentional and way less indecisive than if I had done a cleanout on my own.


Elysha's guidance on digging deep into alignment with where I want to go was so helpful. I never thought of my closet in such a way. I was truly impressed at how much you made me think about the image I project to other people the world and the overall impact of my clothes/ style.


Although I had purged significantly prior to this, I was surprised how much more I was able to let go of. 


I’d been carrying around old family clothes for sentimental reasons for years. And my mother did for years before that. And now I feel ok about letting them go. That’s a major step for me. I knew I couldn’t do it myself.


It helped me commit and follow through on a long awaited need - now I feel relieved.


 This was a huge thing for me because it was letting go of all those shopping mistakes I've made that I didn't want to own. 

Why Now Is The Time To Join The Challenge:

Clutter in your closet:

The clutter won’t clear itself, and doing it alone often leads to procrastination or ineffective results. That’s why, even after you cleanout your closet, your style still feels stuck.

Outdated wardrobe:

You’ve changed, but your clothes haven’t. You'll learn how to update your wardrobe so it's current to you now and supports who you are becoming.

Money wasted on unworn clothing:

By seeing what your wardrobe needs, you can stop overspending on items you won’t wear.

Unanswered style questions:

Get opportunities to ask your style questions and avoid getting stuck during your cleanout.


When you're passing over 80% of your wardrobe, you're stuck in indecision. Commit to making confident choices about what to clear and what to wear — this certainty will carry over into other areas of your life.

Style uncertainty

By thoughtfully curating your wardrobe with my pro techniques, you’ll gain clarity on who you are and how you want to show up, bringing a new level of insight to your personal style.

Pro techniques

Get the exact method I use with my private clients to help them get rid of 70% of their clothing and still feel like they have more choice in their wardrobe. 

It’s time to express your midlife era through your unique sense of style and self!

A Sneak Peak At The Daily Challenge Schedule:

There's built in time over the weekend to implement and catch up!

DAY 1 SEPT. 23

Your Closet Story: Writing Your Next Chapter

DAY 2 SEPT. 24

Aligning Your Clothes: Clearing The Outdated

DAY 3 SEPT. 25

Refining Your Choices: Clearing The Unworthy

DAY 4 SEPT. 26

Elevating Your Wardrobe: Clearing The Unwearable

DAY 5 SEPT. 27

Letting Go of The Tough Stuff: Clearing Sentimental Items, Gifts And Expensive Things


Making Space For Your Next Stage Style And Steps To Bring It To Life

Meet The Style Pro:

Hi! I’m Elysha Lenkin and it's my soul's mission to help midlife women see themselves differently so they can show up more powerfully in their lives.

I got my start styling NYC commercial shoots for big brands, magazines and celebrities like Carrie Underwood, O The Oprah Magazine, Tina Fey, and Serena Williams —  I’ve spent over 10k hours working with women and their wardrobes, and I know exactly how to make them feel incredible about how they look.

Although it doesn’t have the glam of shopping and the excitement of styling, the closet cleanout is my favorite part of personal style because it offers a unique opportunity to look at yourself through your clothing. When you acknowledge who you are and who you want to become, then let go of everything that doesn't align — you can start seeing yourself differently, through the lens of self acceptance. 

In the Guided Closet Cleanout, I’ll show you how to edit your wardrobe the right way — to create space for your evolving identity — so a more authentic YOU can emerge, carrying calm confidence to all areas of your life. 

Got Questions?

Read on for the answers!

When is the challenge?

We start Monday September 23rd and the last live session is September 30th.

I have a lot of clothes! Will this work for me?

Absolutely! Many of my clients start with overflowing closets and drawers, just like you. One woman had clothes scattered all over her house and was able to significantly reduce her wardrobe through my process. Another client went from 3 closets to just 1. Getting started can be the hardest part, but I’ll provide clear, step-by-step instructions to make it as manageable as possible. Plus, you get lifetime access to the challenge so you can go back and do it again whenever you want!

How is this different from doing a closet cleanout on my own?

You can definitely clear your closet on your own. However, what I've found is that most women either put it off or struggle to do it effectively. When you join the challenge you'll get a structured system to get the job done. My clients who used this system have gotten rid of 70% in their closets and then felt like they had MORE CHOICE in their wardrobes. With my years of experience as a fashion stylist, this isn’t just about decluttering—it's about evolving your wardrobe to support your next chapter and renewing your style for your changing needs.

What can I expect from the challenge each day?

Every day, I'll host a live styling tutorial in our private Facebook community, where I’ll guide you through the challenge instructions. Join me live or catch the replay later via the daily email. For the bonus session, we’ll come together on Zoom for a live tutorial where you can get all your questions answered.

How much time should I dedicate to the challenge?

Plan on committing 10 minutes a day to watch the style tutorial and 20 minutes to work in your closet. The idea behind this challenge is simple: a small daily effort can lead to the big result of evolving your wardrobe!

Can I still participate if I don't use Facebook?

You can! Each day, you'll receive an email with the daily styling tutorial and challenge instructions. The Bonus session will be held on Zoom, and you'll be invited to join live. (The replay will be available afterward.)

That said — joining the Facebook community can add a fun twist to your closet cleanout. You'll have that extra accountability, get your questions answered by me, and enjoy connecting with others who are on the same path. These built-in support systems will help you stay on track and get the job done.

I'm trying to decide if I should upgrade to the private session. Who is it best for?

If your budget allows, a private session is a fantastic opportunity to get personalized guidance. In this 45-minute styling session, I’ll share the through line that defines your unique style and pinpoint what’s missing so your wardrobe fully supports your evolving identity.

BTW: I don’t usually offer standalone sessions, and this is highly discounted compared to my other packages so definitely grab a spot if you feel called.

What happens after I make my purchase?

Immediately after making your purchase you will receive a confirmation email with your bonuses, an invitation to join the private Facebook group and details on how to get started in the challenge.

What is the refund policy?

This is a final purchase since you can go through the challenge whenever you want. Plus choosing to make this investment means you are committing to yourself and your desire to level-up in your life. By backing out of this purchase, you are backing out on a commitment to yourself. It's for this reason your purchase is non-refundable.

Real Talk:

I know it’s easy to feel disconnected with your style when so much is changing in your life.

But evolving your style starts by recognizing what's NOT you.

Then letting it go.

Your closet represents so much more than the clothes. 

It reveals where you've been.

Where you wish you were.

What you're attached to. And won't let go.

When you commit to a closet cleanout, you’re not just creating space — you’re making a powerful promise to yourself and opening the door to meaningful change.

To fully claim your next chapter, you need to release everything holding you back and keeping you stuck in the old one.

If these reasons resonate with you, I'd love to see you in The Guided Closet Cleanout Challenge!
Lori now has a range of go-to outfits (from her own closet) that she mixes up and accessorizes with ease...

"Having put on 10 lbs since the summer I have been feeling really yucky and picking out my outfits is just miserable.

Thanks to your help, I now have a group of clothes that I can make outfits easily and feel comfortable and confident. And I don’t have to keep trying on things that are too tight, getting depressed and hating my recently expanded butt and hips (which is where my weight goes). "


Best experience ever!

I have tried MANY times to clear out my closet. This is the only program that has actually worked for me.

Julie F.

Everything is easy now because I have eliminated everything that I didn't like 100%. I make smart purchases and I have no doubts anymore. I just wear what I want to wear. Thank you for this incredible comfort. 
