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Why Dressing Age Appropriate Isn’t The Answer To Looking Your Best

    As someone whose never really liked to play by the rules, I find those style bibles - particularly the ones around dressing age appropriate - to be annoying. Read on to find out what to do instead of dressing age appropriately.

    (Warning, this post is a rant…)

    As someone whose never really liked to play by the rules, I find those style bibles – particularly the ones around dressing age appropriate – to be annoying.

    I mean who is in charge here? And why are we listening to him. (It probably was a him who made the dumb rules!)

    As someone whose never really liked to play by the rules, I find those style bibles - particularly the ones around dressing age appropriate - to be annoying. Read on to find out what to do instead of dressing age appropriately.

    The fact is, your style should not be based around what someone else tells you. It’s about how you feel. And how YOU want to look. Period!

    Lately, there’s been talk in my private facebook group about being one age – like in your late 40s or 50s – yet still feeling young. (Click here, if you’d like to join our vibrant community)

    It was here that I discovered the phrase mutton lamb. No that’s not it…hold on, I’m going to look it up because I never knew this phrase until some of the ladies in the group started talking about it.

    …OK, I got it…mutton dressed as lamb which refers to an older women trying to look like she’s younger than she is.

    I understand the desire to not be seen as someone you’re not, and I respect that.

    But doing something because it’s age appropriate…let’s break this down because I am not a fan.

    Here’s why I don’t dress age appropriate.

    As someone whose never really liked to play by the rules, I find those style bibles - particularly the ones around dressing age appropriate - to be annoying. Read on to find out what to do instead of dressing age appropriately.
    •  It makes me feel old.

    As I previously mentioned, to have a totally authentic and amazing style, you’re dressing yourself to evoke an inspirational feeling. And if I’m putting clothes on to not look old…it makes me feel older! Just adding the word old into the intention feels wrong. Don’t ever dress around a negative.

    • It says that I care what others think

    Style is an individual expression, and once you start trying to please others…you aren’t doing your thing! The best styles revolve around your thing…Not what you think others think of your thing.

    • It’s about following rules

    As I previously stated, I’m not a rule follower. My style is defined around what I deem appropriate. And this relates to wearing things I feel comfortable in. Maybe I’ll push it a little and hit my stylish edge, but that’s good. Edgy is a part of my style anyhow.

    What To Do Instead Of Dressing Age Appropriate

    Rather than starting out your outfit with an intention to dress age appropriate, can you consider how you want your clothing to make you feel? If wearing a skimpy skirt makes you feel weird, then don’t wear it! But not because of an age. Because of who you are and what you like!

    Also if you are in your 40s or more, and you still feel young at heart, dressing age appropriate will only make you feel older.

    Use your clothing to express your youthfulness by being playful with what you wear. Add something fun to encapsulate your young spirit. But once you try to make your youthfulness age appropriate….it gets stale.

    Watch the video to see a couple of my favorite outfits I regularly wear that are totally not age appropriate.

    How do you feel about dressing age appropriate?

    6 thoughts on “Why Dressing Age Appropriate Isn’t The Answer To Looking Your Best”

    1. Pamela J Goldman

      This was the best video and you look amazing!! Bring it on Elysha!!!!! Both outfits are amazing and I really needed to hear this.

    2. Karen Spencer

      I love this!!!! So true! I love going with how something makes your feel instead. Thanks Elysha!!!

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