You've changed.

your clothes have not.

Ready to update YOUR LOOK?

If you’re a midlife woman who feels stuck in her style, we need to talk.

Things are different for you now.

Your body isn’t what it used to be.

Your roles — both personally and professionally — are shifting.

You’re evolving beyond the person you always saw yourself to be.

The way to embrace the change that comes with age (without looking like you’re trying too hard), is to make a choice:

A.) Either get dressed for your next stage.


B.) Continue to choose clothes based on the past.

 option B is easier because it's what you know. 

And it's why you keep wearing your old clothes that don’t feel good.

Or you shop for something new, but you buy the wrong things because you don't know what you are looking for.

You don't know how to get dressed for your next stage!

You Want To feel 
high level alignment between who you are  →  what you wear →  and how you show-up.

And you Want to look fabulous! 

But it's not coming together on your own.


I’ll show you how to get dressed for your next stage so that when you look in the mirror, you no longer see who you used to be...

But instead you see the DYNAMIC women you know you’re meant to be.

What would you like to know?


I help my clients curate their wardrobes and elevate their image so they become a captivating presence wherever they go.



I've spent most of my career on the sets of NYC commercial shoots styling thousands of people including Tina Fey, Carrie Underwood and Serena Williams.


My focus now is helping midlife women shine in their main character energy by strategically harnessing their personal style to support their personal evolution and amplify their personal power.



Let's hop on a call to discuss your specific situation to see which styling option suits you best!

Which one describes your personal style?

"I Need a reinvention!"

In this high touch experience, we'll curate your wardrobe using my signature 3 step styling system so that it aligns with your next stage in life. 

"I Need A Closet Cleanout!"

If you’re passing over 80% of your clothes because they don’t fit, don’t look good, or you don’t like them anymore — it’s time to let stuff go. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to revive your style once you clear your outdated clothes... which is exactly what you'll do with the 5 Step Closet Cleanout Guide!

"I'm not sure what i need, but i need help!"

Unsure where to start? Go here to begin! You’ll see a variety of styling options designed to help you feel amazing about how you look.

Read The Latest

Personal Stylist Tips

What Not To Wear In Midlife

“Can we still wear big prints like this?” asked my friend READ MORE

There’s No Age Limit On Becoming Who You Want To Be

We’ve all heard of the “crisis” that’s supposed to accompany midlife, READ MORE

3 Signs You’re Overdone Or Trying Too Hard With Your Outfit

Have you ever had that gut-wrenching moment when you step into READ MORE

Meet some of my clients


Thanks Elysha for taking the time and personal care to help me establish my style! You are so full of knowledge, and your feedback was on target.

Beth Sworobuk


 / Fashion Blogger


Elysha addressed my style challenges with kindness, and now I have clarity on my body shape and a clear vision for my style.

Sue Morgan

/ Fashion Blogger


Elysha's years as a successful fashion stylist shine through in her very customized approach - her advice is based on lifestyle, taste & body shape. She shows that fashion can be fun! I feel inspired by my clothes again! 

Annika Howe

/ Fashion Blogger

5 Ways To Highlight Your Body

Get the free guide that shows how to use your clothing to compliment your body so you love how you look and feel amazing in what you wear!

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