
got Style

Using clothes to create confidence.

Teaching teens the art of powerful style so that they can command the next stage of their lives. 

The inner critic doesn't discriminate

Thoughts like I'm ugly and I'll never look as good as HER begin at an early age. The pressure to fit in (or stand out) takes a toll on her developing self esteem.

These thoughts form negative beliefs which disempower your girl's potential.

Let's change the way she sees herself so she grows up to become the BOSS she's meant to be!

What if your girl understood:

Her body isn't A problem

It's the clothing that must be fixed ...not her body! 

Style shouldn't be stressful

Rather than worrying about looking a certain way, she can embrace her authenticity. 

Everybody can be Stylish

Fashion is a way to creatively express herself and show people what she stands for. 

That's what Girl Got Style gives them!

Hi! I'm Elysha

I'm a mother of two, and have been a fashion stylist since the 90s. I've worked with teens and tweens for brands like Parents, Parenting, and Aeropostale, and I'm now bringing my years of professional experience to help everyday girls achieve style confidence. 

Here's What I Believe :


Clothing is a tool to create confidence.

When your girl understands the style basics, she'll be able to put together outfits that make her stand taller and feel stronger in her skin.


Always dress as yourself, for yourself.

Because trying to be somebody else will never look or feel as good. And other people's opinions should never impact the way your girl feels about herself.


Attitude is everything.

How your girl feels in her clothes supersedes all. If she believes she's unstoppable, she is unstoppable. 

 Confident Girls 


Are assertive and stand up for themselves.


Take chances and aren't afraid to fail.


Become leaders and contribute to their community.

Confident Kids Styled By Me...

Girl Got Style Is Available For:


Gather the girls and get the tools for how to create a personal style that shows the world what  they can do.


Celebrate with styling tutorials that teach the basics of getting dressed with confidence.


End your wardrobe battles by bringing me in as a neutral party to help navigate your girl's style choices. Confidently styled girl + content mom = peace for all.

Ready to give your girl the confidence that lasts a lifetime? 

Does your nonprofit organization value self confidence, body acceptance and creative expression for girls?Let's talk! Girl Got Style is available at a discounted rate for nonprofit organizations.

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