Soon fall will kick into high gear, and you’ll want to be prepared with the right outfits ready to go. A closet cleanse not only helps simplify your wardrobe, it’ll give you more options of clothing to wear.
In order to properly cleanse your closet, set aside some time when you can really get into your wardrobe to determine what’s worth keeping, and what’s ready to be let go. There’s no need to get all Marie Kondo, and dive into the whole project at one sitting. I actually find her method to be unrealistic. Don’t worry if you can only commit to doing bits at a time. In fact, this can be helpful as it allows you to become more clear on what your best style looks like.
Here’s what to-do:
+Choose a section of your wardrobe — dresses, tops, jackets, or whatever you want to do.
+Look carefully at each piece. Determine which items best represent who you are today, and which ones have become irrelevant to your present day vibe.
+Questions to ask yourself:
1. Does the item FEEL like you?
Most of us can answer this pretty easily — it’s a gut reaction. Go deeper than your personal preferences to that inner knowing of who you are. For example, in my website redesign I had to make choices on fonts, colors etc… and I had to get very clear about what feels like me. You’ll do the same thing with your clothing. Also- get clear about which version of you it feels like. Is it you from 15 years ago where you have all these memories tied into the items? Or is it who you are today?
2. What does the item say about you?
Literally come up with a couple words that describe the garment and decide if those are words you’d like to use to describe yourself.
(Side note: to help bring more clarity into your decision making overall, in the closet and beyond, I suggest meditation + yoga which both strengthen the mind body connection, an integral component in being your best style. Yoga is an excellent way to get comfortable in your body. It also helps you become more aware of how your body moves and feels which makes your more self aware – particularly in styling your body type. And while many are fine with the idea of exercising their body, very few exercise their mind. Sitting in meditation allows you to be with who you are. It’s not always comfortable, but eventually you will learn how to accept and gain valuable insight into your total being.)
+ Look at your lifestyle. Make sure you’re styling your life.
This adds a level of practicality to your choices. So as you look at each item, imagine when you would wear it next, and come up with a real situation like lunch with Mindy and Terry. Or the client run-through with Annika. Be very real with the way you spend your days here, and decide if that particular piece of clothing fits in.
The goal is to get through your entire wardrobe then move on to the next part of the closet refresh.
+Start creating looks with what you’ve now got.
To help style yourself well, think of getting dressed as an experiment. Ask yourself, what would happen if… when putting together outfits. Think outside the box of what you normally would choose. Stay curious and try new things.
If you’re ready to energize your current outfits with new ideas, download my free style guide.  It’ll show you how to make fresh outfits with clothes you already own.Â
Click here to get the guide!