For me, the ultimate expression of grace in motion is when a dancer or athlete springs into action. To catch this moment in a photo never ceases to mesmerize my eyes. So when I saw the new Under Armour campaign I Will What I Want, I was in at first glance.
The photos are gorgeous, for sure. But it’s the stories behind the pictures that so eloquently captivate. It’s about pursuing the dream– no matter what anybody says (you have the wrong body, you’re too weak, you’ll never be good enough). It’s about keeping at it when circumstances bring you down. It’s about not needing permission to express your best.
It’s exactly the message I want for G — work hard, trust your gut and be all you can be.
The campaign begins with Misty Copeland in the dance studio. Her voice serves as the backdrop reading a rejection letter she received when she was 13. You have the wrong body to be a dancer, she read. And it’s true that her body defies conventional ballerina standards– with her defined muscles and dark skin. But that didn’t stop her from going on to become a soloist for the American Ballet Theatre, and in the process reshaping the image of what a professional dancer looks like.
Under Armour’s new line of clothing could definitely work well both on the yoga mat and on the jogging path. Which means Lululemon better be rethinking their strategy.
See the campaign here (and make sure to press play on the video of Misty Copeland.)
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Misty’s story was very inspiring. I love people who can back themselves and not let others talk them down or away from their dreams. Bravo!
Yes, it’s something I admire as well. It takes a lot of strength and confidence to keep at it…not to mention the talent needed to make it to the top. Thank You, Sara, for sharing your POV.