Don’t you love an opportunity to begin again? I do. Especially when it’s a chance to freshen up for spring.

Because unlike the burden that comes in January with the pressure to goal crush through the year, in spring it’s about renewal. There’s the budding flowers, longer days, and shedding the bulky layers to reveal a lighter, brighter version of you!
Except what happens when you’re not in lighter, brighter shape?
The winter definitely takes its toll. My skin is flaky dry. And my bones feel brittle because of one too many mornings without my workout.
But with some attention to these details, I’m confident that I’ll get myself spring ready, and up to par with the lighter brighter me.
Click play to watch the video where I share some tips on lightening up for spring.
Here’s How You Can Freshen Up Your Look For Spring
Shop Sunglasses
Start with something fun! Get thyself into the store and pick out your favorite pair of sunnies. I never wear sunglasses in the winter. So once the shades are back on, my spring self gets the message – come out of hibernation!
Stock Up On Sunscreen
If you haven’t been applying sunscreen during the dark winter months, I feel you! Sure they say you should wear the stuff despite the subzero temps and lack of sun. But I don’t. So I’ll soon be turning that around because once those burning rays of 50˚ (yes, 50˚ does feel like burning after 30˚ for weeks) hit my skin (particularly my face where I’m extra paranoid) I do not want to be left unprotected.
Switch Your Closet
New season, new style – right? Take the time to celebrate and get inside your closet pronto! It’s about clearing out the old and bringing in the new (or at least the not recently worn items from the back of your closet or winter storage). If you could use some extra help, checkout my free closet cleanout guide to make the practice smooth like butter. Once you’re done you’ll be so excited about what to wear next, and ready to show off your lighter bright spring style.
Sip Something Green
I’m not advocating a full on juice cleanse (though you can do that if you like!) This is simply about adding in a healthy beverage to your day. Often I’m craving coffee in the afternoon, but if I make a switch to green juice I’ve not only nourished myself with the goodies of this deliciousness. But I’ve also spared myself that 4th cup of coffee. Try it! When you add something in, it’s natural for something else (perhaps less healthy) to fall out of your routine.
Sit In Quiet
Your lightest brightest version comes from within which is why I’m recommending meditation or quiet reflection. A calm mind means slower reaction times so when something happens that you don’t like – such as dropping your phone, or an unexpected bill, you’re responding with less stress. Because less stress is the key to the lightest brightest you, and a life with more ease.
This video reminded me that I have a great pair of “Johnny Depp” sunglasses that need to be tightened. Also there is a health food store around the corner which juices green drinks while you wait….going to walk over there today….thanks for all your tips, Elysha!
Glad they’re helpful, Pamela!
Hi, Elysha
I love the green drink idea (right when I’m sitting here drinking my first cup of Matcha tea of spring)! And I love the thought that if you just add something healthy in, it’s natural for something else to fall out of your routine. And I also love that you put focus on the inside to make our selves more beautiful on the outside. That’s an important part of the equation that is often missing in the subject of style. So…
Love your style!
Thanks Angie! I appreciate your kind feedback. Hope you’re enjoying your matchas!