A practice can be lots of things — yoga, meditation, painting, cooking, writing, dancing. The difference between just doing these things as activities, and doing them as your practice is purpose. When you make these activities your practice, you do them with purpose. And that purpose is to connect you to that all knowing place within.
Since my last post, when I was getting the shit end of the stick, things went even further south.
It’s still too soon to post the details as they’re not fully processed, but I can say I was shaken to the core. Everything within has been tossed to the surface, and I’m questioning it all.
Moving through my days from this place of vulnerability is like walking on a wood floor just as the rug is pulled out from underneath me. Unstable, to say the least. Yet somehow, I still feel grounded.
I noticed it the other morning. Amidst all that has happened…I’m okay. Actually better than okay. Sure, my sleep sucks — with so much on my mind. But I’m able to tap into an inner calm. And it’s because of my practice.
My practice feeds my foundation. It makes me stronger. And keeps me centered.
You can be anywhere for your practice — in the yoga studio, on the running path, or in the park, but establishing your practice at home is key to taking it with you wherever you are.
And that’s why I’m introducing a new series on the blog, Home Practice.
Each month, I will share something from my home practice to hopefully inspire you to get yours going, or keep at it.
To start us off well, here’s a little breathing exercise that one of my blogging buddies turned me onto.
Oh, that’s the thing with your home practice–it’s always evolving. Pretty much anything can become a part of it as long as it gets you connected inside. Also, it doesn’t have to take up a lot of time–this one can be completed in under 5 minutes!
The 4 – 7 – 8 Breathing Exercise
Breathe in 4 counts.
Hold the breath 7 counts.
Exhale 8 counts.
I started using this exercise when I woke up in the middle of the night to help me fall back asleep – it worked! You could also try it if a stressful situation hits you hard during the day.
To include in your home practice, set aside a time each day that you commit to doing it.
That’s what a home practice is — a commitment to your connection, regularly.
What are some of your home practices?
(Photography by Rebecca R Photography, Prop Styling by yellow house collective)
Discover which mind body soul practice is right for you by signing up here!
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Thanks for this breathing practice! I recently had a death in my family and I have had sporadic nightmares, feelings of teariness and cloudy brain. I am going to try this home practice.
I’m so sorry about the death in your family, GGW…That’s a biggie to deal with. But this breathing exercise is really simple, and you will feel the effects immediately…an overall calm seeps in. It’s a small step to help your healing process. Thank you for sharing here.
That is a beautiful breathing practice Elysha – thank you for reminding me! A home practice is the everything isn’t it? I’m sorry to hear about the topsy turvy nature of your life at the moment (do you like that euphemism lol) but I am so glad to hear that you are able to keep to your centre. My practice changes all the time, because I change all the time. At the moment I am focusing on a daily Asana practice because I tend to get all sluggish and stuck in winter – the cold brings out the kapha in me! Also, I’ve been a bit of a stress head lately, and I need to work it out of my body, which is where I tend to store it all up. My aim is to alternate my practice: one day a heart chakra sequence, and the next the week’s MYOGA sequence.
I love that you highlighted the importance of a purpose behind your practice. Intention is powerful!
Elysha, So sorry you have been sailing rough seas of late. But so pleased the 4-7-8 breathing practice has been beneficial. For me, too! Sending you much positive energy and love….p.s. My main home practices: breathing/meditation, baking, writing, kindness, and always: dancing!
Thank YOU, ST for turning me onto the breathing exercise! It’s been awhile since you mentioned it to me, and I’ve kept it in my arsenal of calming practices ever since…it’s really effective!
Kindness as a practice…that’s also a good one to keep alive. I’m so grateful for your friendship, and your inspiring presence. x x
I store it all up in my body as well, Sara, so movement is an essential part of my practice. Isn’t it interesting how our practices shift based on what’s happening in our lives? It’s nice to have a collection to choose from…it sounds like the heart openers have been working for you for awhile now. Stay warm!
Thanks for pointing that out, Melissa. Intention is everything!!
Home practice is like anchor to me. It helps to ground me. My top home practices are blogging, running, and neck exercise for degenerative discs. They are part of my daily rituals.
Terry, my husband is dealing with a herniated disc — is that similar to a degenerative disc? When did you discover your issue and how did you figure out your treatment?
Yes, I suppose I do like the heart openers don’t I? That’s where I tend to close down when under stress. I’ll stay warm, you stay cool, ok?
I learned about my degenerated discs last December. According to the doctor, it is part of aging, like white hairs. I think a herniated disc is different and more painful. I had my physical therapy for a couple of months and am continuing the exercise at home as preventive maintenance.
Thanks, Terry. I appreciate the info!
I suck at home practice lol. Pretty much a D. For duh – hahaha!
So… I am going to totally follow your tips here and you can be my guide… at home.
Hope things turn out well for you, Elysha. Have faith it will and keep the vision. Things will fall into place at the their time. xo
Practicing at home can be so distracting! Somehow cleaning the dust bunnies out from under the couch can seem so much more appealing than getting into yoga or whatever I’m practicing. But I find the more I do it (the practice), the easier it gets to resist cleaning and everything else that is calling my name away from the mat. Thanks for your kind words, Maia…I love your advice to keep the vision — I will try. x x