There’s been a lot of World Cup happening in our apartment these days. (As I’m sure in several other places around the world.) Which means that in addition to many nail biting moments there’s been a lot of polyester celebrations.
I realize there’s an antimicrobial benefit to the shiny fabric– plenty of yoga pants are made with a similar consistency.
But I prefer a cotton blend which has its own natural antimicrobial properties, and quite frankly — I think feels much better, particularly as we enter the days of dripping sweat.
So in honor of Team USA and the World Cup in general, I’ve rounded up a few sports inspired looks that don’t rely on polyester. Known as sporty chic or sporty luxe, I’ve always gravitated towards the cool comfort this style possesses. With its relaxed silhouette and easy pair-ability it captures an active nature, yet is refined with sophistication.
Sporty Chic Styling Tips
1. Adding an athletic edge to soft and feminine could veer towards a cheerleader-ish vibe, but the below-the-knee chiffon skirt elevates the look . Yesterday on the subway I saw a girl sporting something similar, except instead of the numbered shirt she was wearing racing stripes which also has an athletic feel.
2. It doesn’t get much more comfy than a pair of sweats. Just be careful because there’s a fine line between over-slouched (read sloppy) and slouchy cool. How to tell the difference? You want them to sit easily on the hips then relax and loosen down the leg. I love the idea of bringing in a blazer to complete the look. You could also replace a solid top with a statement tee to let everyone know who you’re rooting for.
3. Athletic shorts and a bomber feel so right now. I’ve actually had my eye on a floral jacket which would also work well. When wearing this type of sporty shorts, think weekend casual rather than disco queen. Go for a flat shoe, not platform.
4. The sweatshirt dress is effortless dressing in a nut shell. I just scooped up this one the other day– definitely a one shot wonder that I can slip on then head out the door. Makes the morning hustle so much smoother.
A word on wedge sneakers.
When Isabel Marant debuted her first pair years ago, I was definitely in awe with the $800 shoe. Once it hit Steve Madden, Shoegasm and Payless I was less impressed.  A friend who recently bought this pair from Nike with a less obvious wedge described the wedge sneaker as  sticking around….more of a style and less a trend, similar to ballet flats, or loafers. And while I’m always up to add a couple inches to my height, I’d still choose a regular sneaker — like this.
Oh, and if USA wins…I won’t bat an eye at all who go for the polyester look. Lucky for me there are enough options in my apartment to dress a league.