As a stylist for more than 10 years, I’ve spent many moments on photo shoot sets primping and prepping people to look their best. I’ve shopped for a wide range of sizes, styles and personalities in hopes of showing their true colors. This past weekend– I switched it up, and went in front of the camera to get new pictures for my site. I brought all my experience in styling to myself. It was fun, exciting, scary and strange.
Here’s my advice on how to style yourself–not necessarily for a photo shoot, but for anytime when you want to look like the best version of you.
When trying on clothes, choose things that go just beyond what you’d normally wear… stretch your comfort zone. For one look, I wore these pink pants that faded into white — kind of tie-dye-ish. To be honest, my tie-dye days were left in CA (in college). But these pants popped for the picture. And they made me feel happy.
Pick pieces that best represent your lifestyle. As much as I love seeing a woman in stilettos — it’s just not me. I’m way too active, and the thought of running around the city in 4″ heels doesn’t appeal. I love clogs, wedges and any other type of shoe that can give me a few inches without killing my feet. Also, I like sporty stuff. I chose a jumpsuit for one outfit because it looked good in motion (no flying shirt tails etc..) and it just felt like me.
Shop in unexpected places. This red Adidas jacket came from my son’s closet. I’ve also been known to steal DH’s tees and hats. I love Century 21 because I can find high quality pieces at low prices. And if you’re petite, like me — Crewcuts and Zara kids is awesome.
Go bright. It’s no secret that black works with everything. But when I want to pump up my outfit, I add color. It stands out, makes a statement, and generally lifts my mood.
Get your make up done. Every season, I have a proper sit down at the make up counter to freshen up my beauty routine with new products and tricks. You can’t beat the price (free!), and I always leave feeling good about myself.
Do stuff that elevates your spirit. I like jumping, dancing and doing cartwheels. The key to looking your best is feeling your best. Put simply–do what you love, and do it a lot.
I LOVE THIS POST!!!! Seriously, TT–the joyful photos (flying hair and cool, sunlit style) coupled with terrific advice (FREE!) and your sharing taking a leap into your future–just wonderful and inspiring. I appreciate your wise tips and will definitely keep in mind (hadn’t thought of shopping my husband’s and kids’ closets, nor having my makeup done :)). “Do what you love, and do it a lot….” says it all. Bon voyage, baby. xoxo
ST, thank you for your support and encouragement. It really helps keep me keeping on! xoxo
TT, just wanted you to know I’ve invited you to the Writing Process Blog Hop. I hope you’ll consider joining, as I’d love to hear more about your work-including the future, if you feel like sharing. More info in my post of the same name, if you are interested. Thanks, xoxo
Thank you for this lovely surprise! It was a true pleasure to read about the inner tickings of the ST blog, and I am so flattered by your kind words for mine. I will most definitely consider joining in on the fun — will let you know either way. Thanks again, my sweet friend! xoxo
TT, No need to reply–please just participate to the extent you’d like (if at all). Thanks! xoxo