Since participating in my first triathlon a few weeks ago, I’ve been on the lookout for something similar– a low key race that’s not hyper-focused on the competition, but rather is about having fun. Well wouldn’t you know it — as soon as I got super-clear on my intention — the mindful triathalon came my way!
What is a mindful triathalon?
A 5k run followed by a guided meditation set to music followed by a massive yoga class — all taking place under the trees in Prospect Park Brooklyn.
Who will be there?
The line up includes Eddie Stern, Elena Brower, MC Yogi and Sean Corne for meditation and yoga. DJ Drez and High and Mighty Brass Band will turn up the tunes once the savasana winds down.
As for the participants, anybody can go. It costs $68 to register for the run. But the meditation and yoga are free with sign-up.
What else will be offered?
Food and crafts, Acroyoga, slacklining, retro yard games, and all sorts of awesome for the kids.
Sounds like fun for everybody.
So you can imagine my disappointment when I realized I’m working that day, and can’t attend. Guess I’ll have to be even more clear on my intention next time.
Check out Wanderlust 108 here.
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okay, if I was ever to do a marathon, that would be the one to do
I love this world – there really is something for everyone isn’t there?
Wanderlust travels…so keep your eyes peeled–there may be one coming your way too!
ah, it’s wanderlust! Yep, I’ve heard of it.