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Ugh! I Don’t Like My Clothes Anymore

    I’ve been thinking about our lingering-pandemic styles. Especially since I’m hearing from women who say “Ugh! I don’t like my clothes anymore!”

    A client told me that her wardrobe depresses her. The silhouettes she used to love don’t look right, and everything feels outdated. She doesn’t want to wear any of it!

    This got me thinking about my stuff. 

    There’s so much that changed since the pandemic when it comes to what my wardrobe needs.

    Like my beloved handbags. 

    I’m not using them anymore!

    This nudged me to dig deeper. I started sorting through the rest of the clothes I haven’t touched in awhile.

    There were some star players in there — pieces I’d worn to death in 2019. But now I wasn’t sure.

    As we’re learning to live within the pandemic, and dress accordingly so that we feel prepared, comfortable and happy with how we look… how do we do this when we don’t like our clothing options?

    That’s what I’m going to share now. Click play to watch the video where I explain what happens when you’re feeling like Ugh, I hate my clothes!

    And read on for more stylist tips.

    There are 3 big reasons your previously beloved items —the ones that used to bring so much joy— aren’t doing it for you anymore. 

    1. The Pandemic

    Let’s start with the elephant in the room. The pandemic did a major disruption to our lifestyles. Some things will never return to how it was. And because of this lifestyle change, you have no use for certain items in your wardrobe. 

    For example, I have a pair of high heel, knee-high boots. I don’t know that I’ll ever need these again. I’m also hearing from women who will permanently work from home so their suits are no longer necessary.

    Think about what’s changed in your life and determine what pieces you’ll no longer have use for.

    Here’s the next reason you’ll abandon certain items of clothing.

    2. Your Taste Changed

    Two years is a long time. We shift and change as people so what we liked and who we were grows outdated. When I talk about an outdated wardrobe, it’s not just about what’s in-style. It’s about what’s no longer relevant to you as a person. What no longer feels like YOU.

    In our recent session, my client showed me her distressed skinny jeans that she used to love. She hated the way they looked on her now. She’s no longer the person who enjoys wearing distressed skinny jeans.

    For me, it’s one of my blazers. I loved it and wore it all the time in 2019. Then the pandemic happened, and my need for it decreased…which was a lifestyle change. But I will be back in my blazers again. It’s just this one. I don’t love it anymore. Something about the style and the way I had it tailored two years ago no longer feels like me.

    Get honest with yourself and ask what’s in your wardrobe that you don’t like anymore.

    Now for the final reason you don’t want to wear your clothes. 

    3. They’re Uncomfortable

    Our clothes are like a second skin — we need them to feel comfortable. It’s likely that the pandemic-induced lifestyle change caused our tolerance for discomfort to skyrocket. (My bras feel tighter lately, and I keep meaning to look into buying more wireless bras!)

    You may decide that you’re done with the structured blazers you used to wear, and will opt for one in a softer, more breathable fabric.

    Or maybe you’re no longer wearing jeans. After all the leggings-wear, it may feel too restrictive.

    For me, it’s one of my handbags. Pre-pandemic I used to load up my bags —pack them to the brim— and this particular bag got really uncomfortable when I’d lug it around. I don’t know if I’ll be able to tolerate that discomfort anymore!

    Ugh, I Hate My Clothes

    Those are the reasons you don’t want to wear your clothes anymore. Now I’m going to share how to handle this situation. How do you get excited about how you look when you have no good clothing options?

    You need to redefine your style based on your current body, present day life and up-to-date personal preferences. Because the bottom line is that you’ve changed and your wardrobe has not!

    If you’re ready to step up your style and feel good about your clothes again, I’ve got something coming to help! It’s a special offer where I’ll show you what to wear and what to buy so that you get dressed with confidence. It’s coming soon!

    Go here to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when it’s available.

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