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Why You Can’t Put Together Outfits You Want To Wear

    Successful outfit creation is a major component of a strong personal style, and in my two decades as a fashion stylist I’ve noticed many women are held back by their lack of confidence in putting outfits together. Read why you're struggling with your outfit planning.

    If you’re wondering why you can’t put together outfits you feel good about wearing, you’re not alone! Successful outfit creation is a major component of a strong personal style, and in my two decades of styling I’ve noticed many women are held back by their lack of confidence in this area.

    Successful outfit creation is a major component of a strong personal style, and in my two decades as a fashion stylist I’ve noticed many women are held back by their lack of confidence in putting outfits together. Read why you're struggling with your outfit planning, and how to start putting together looks you love.

    The Big Reason You Don’t Put Together Outfits You Love

    There’s actually one big umbrella reason, an underlying issue, that’s holding you back from successful outfit creation. Whether you realize it or not, detrimental thought patterns – which were formed at an early age – are informing your current actions. Maybe you felt inadequate around the other girls in middle school because you didn’t wear the designer jeans like them. Or perhaps there was one Queen Bee who always left you out. It’s these types of negative childhood emotions, or limiting beliefs, that ingrain in your brain, and shape how you show up today.

    So the reason you’re not putting together outfits you love is because of a limiting belief that’s holding you back. At some point in your life – it may have been something someone said to you. Or it could have been an event that occurred in your life. You made a negative decision about yourself, and it’s now become a driving force for your life.

    Successful outfit creation is a major component of a strong personal style, and in my two decades as a fashion stylist I’ve noticed many women are held back by their lack of confidence in putting outfits together. Read why you're struggling with your outfit planning.

    Here’s the three biggest limiting beliefs I see women suffer from around their style.

    I Have Nothing To Wear

    No matter what’s in your closet, you believe you don’t have the right clothes. Everytime you look at your wardrobe, you see zero possibility. You think your closet is not a good match for who you are, and what you want to project.

    Another belief tied into not having anything to wear is related to your budget. You may believe you don’t have enough money to invest in your style which impacts your self worth. When you don’t believe you have the money to spend on yourself, you’re telling yourself you’re not worth the investment.  

    The antidote to thinking that you don’t have the right clothes is creativity. If you don’t believe you have anything to wear, start playing around with what you do have. Try on an experimental attitude and stay curious about what you mix and match.

    I Don’t Have Style

    You may believe you aren’t good at putting outfits together, therefore you’ll never dress well. You think that since you’re not a natural with clothes, you can’t have style.

    First off, this isn’t true because style is your way of being. It’s how you move through your life. Everybody has style! Perhaps you could improve the presentation of your style – meaning you learn the stylist tips and tricks to be more intentional with what you wear. Having great style is a skill that can be achieved with practice.

    The antidote to believing you don’t have style is to bring more vision into what you wear. Start thinking about how you want to look. Get familiar with your personal preferences and figure out what you love and what looks best on you.

    I Don’t Have The Right Body

    I’ve worked with a lot of women, and pretty much everyone has issue with their body. But it’s only a limiting belief if it’s holding you back.

    For example, I think my hands are ugly. But if someone invites me out to lunch, I don’t turn down the invitation because I don’t want them to see my hands.

    You may have areas of your body that you think are ugly. If it’s a limiting belief, it  would keep you from participating in your life.

    The antidote to believing that your body isn’t right is self acceptance. Everytime I see my hands, rather than think EW, how ugly. I tell myself, these are my hands. Eventually I may get to the place where I stop believing they are ugly. And just accept them for what they are. It’s a practice.

    If you want to know more about the reasons you’re not creating outfits you love, and what you can do to elevate your outfit planning – click play to watch the video!

    What’s holding you back from being a successful outfit creator?

    Here’s some fashion tips on how to elongate your look.

    2 thoughts on “Why You Can’t Put Together Outfits You Want To Wear”

    1. This is such a positive post. Thank you. So many of us judge ourselves by crazy standards rather than kind standards. This is a good reminder to throw out the negative messages . . .

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