You know those days when something is off with your outfit? You’re staring in the mirror, seeing what you’re wearing, yet you can’t quite figure out what’s wrong. You’re just not loving how you look. And you know you’re in need of a style fix.

Maybe you make a few changes here and there, but with no real strategy behind these adjustments, there’s a lot of time wasted in trial and error wardrobe updates.
So in order to get ahead of the game, and get your outfit on point, you’ll need to get to the root of the cause. You’ll need to figure out the real issue in your outfit to come up with your style fix.
In the video, I share some top notch styling strategies for outfit diagnosis so you know exactly how to remedy your look, and get out the door feeling confident and in charge of your day.
There are 4 main reasons that your outfit isn’t working. The key is to zero in on where the problem begins.
The First Style Fix For Your Outfit
Look at how the clothing hangs on your body. Are the seams falling where they need to be? Does the fabric pull or whisker in any areas like around the hips or thighs? What about the darts? Are they lining up correctly?

If any of these things are out of place, then you’ve got a fit problem. The style fix for this is to go up a size, or have a tailor take something in. The most immediate solution would be to take off this garment and replace it with something that fits properly.

Style Fix Number 2
Next, you’ll want to study the silhouettes of what you’re wearing and notice if they are flattering your body shape. If you’re unsure of your body shape then read my post on embodied style to dress better.
Ideally, the lines of the garment will work with the lines of your body. So if you’re heavier on the bottom, A-line silhouettes will do this. You’ll also want to use the silhouettes of your outfit to create balance with your look. Again, using the heavier on the bottom example, you’ll want to add all the details on your upper body to guide the eye upwards and balance out your bottom half.
If the silhouettes in your outfit aren’t flattering your body, the style fix is to switch up the pieces to create balance and find lines that flow with your shape.

Style Fix Number 3
The third thing to consider when diagnosing your outfit is color. Does the palette make you look vibrant and alive? Or are you being washed out? If you are wearing an unflattering color then your style fix is to move that tone away from you face. You could layer on a more flattering color. Or you could remove that garment and put on something that suits your complexion. Click here to get the free color match worksheet so you always look your best.
The 4th Style Fix
Lastly, if none of the above are the root cause of your outfit dissatisfaction, your problem isn’t a wardrobe issue. You’re in need of a mindset shift. When you realize that your clothes are fine, yet you’re still unhappy with how you look it’s time to get super clear on what’s bothering you about your appearance. This way you can take the necessary steps to start seeing yourself with more kindness.
If you’re sick of just winging it with your wardrobe, and you’re ready to figure out what works best for you, let’s chat! Book a complimentary style clarity call, and we’ll talk about how I can help you dress better so you have an incredible personal style that gives you confidence in the rest of your life.
Schedule Style Clarity Call
Great ideas.
Thank you, Michele!