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Summer Style Stats

    Elysha Lenkin | Mind Body Soul Stylist | | Styling Services To Help You Live Well And Look Awesome

    Have you had a chance to go through your closet, assess your summer style stats, and start prepping for the new season?

    It still may be premature for a total overhaul into cool weather clothes, but you could begin by looking at your style stats to see how you dressed this summer. Take a good inventory of all the things you were loving, and wore frequently. Then notice which items sat there sadly unworn☹️.

    The reality –> if you didn’t wear something this past season there’s a good chance you won’t wear it next summer which means it’s probably time to say SEE YA to those itemsπŸ‘‹πŸΌ.

    I know, it’s tough.

    And that’s why I’m here to help. 

    I’m excited to announce my virtual styling service!πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    Now – as long as you have an internet connection –  I can help you clear out your closet, create new looks from stuff you already own, and teach you how to style yourself everyday so you no longer see getting dressed as a struggle. Instead your closet becomes an inspirationπŸ’«.

    If this sounds intriguing, let’s talk! Book your complimentary style clarity call so we can create a plan for you to up-level what you’re wearing so you renew your sense of style and feel amazing in your clothes.

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