M came home yesterday with an assignment from school — design his own wampam belt by including 3 elements that would personify his unique piece.
Soccer Ball
Star of David
Musical Note
First, I thought What is a wampam belt? A quick trip over to Wikipedia answered that one.
Then I thought, I love it! M is getting homework to self express. His style statement begins!
I asked him why he chose those particular symbols.
His reply:
The musical note is because music is big in our family.
The Star of David because we’re Jewish.
And you know why the soccer ball…it’s a huge part of my life!
All true!
Wampam belts aren’t really au courant anymore.
Now, we use tattoos to mark our unique expression.
When my time to tattoo came around, it was a no brainer–I’d get The Sun, of course.
I felt a connection to the orange and yellow rays since I was little –way before I was aware of having the Sun in my First house — astrologically speaking.
I was 19. It was in the basement of some sketchy shop with no A/C on Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles. I passed out in the chair.
My second tattoo experience was a bit more civil. It was in Williamsburg, Brooklyn — on Metropolitan Avenue.
Again, I knew exactly what to get — Wings.
I was 22, and living life as a free spirit.
Since then, I’ve questioned whether this tattoo still belongs on my arm. Growing up and having kids tends to dampen the free spirit. But recently, I’ve come to recognize that though I’m not as free as I was at 22…freedom is still very much a part of who I am. (Double Aquarius — ruled by Uranus!) It was and still is a huge priority. And it’s expressed in many aspects of my life. It’s part of my style statement.
Now comes the confession…I’ve looked into getting my sun tattoo removed. (You called it, Mom!) The shoddy shop on Hollywood Blvd did a schlock job on the rays, and I don’t love how it looks. I still feel a kinship to The Sun as I did when I was young–I’d just draw it out a lot differently today.
I don’t mind my wings– I’ll always love looking at the birds fly through the sky because they speak to my sense of freedom– but this tattoo could use a touch-up. The laser removal process is painful and expensive. And it doesn’t guarantee complete riddance. I toy with the idea of cover-up tattoos…making them better express me now. But we shall see…
So unique expressions evolve — exactly as they should. My tattoos are a constant reminder of this.
M’s wampam belt is his unique expression. Whether a soccer ball, Star of David and musical note continue to resonate with his soul is TBD. But I’ll be watching (and hopefully enjoying) all his efforts to self express.
I wonder if he’s going to tattoo it?
Oh, it sure is fun looking into cover-up ideas…checkout my pinterest board for tattoo inspo here.
What are your unique expressions –worn for the world to see?
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what a great idea! i wish i had a wampam belt as homework!
I have two tattoos, one on the outside of each ankle, just above the ankle bone. One is the sacred geometrical symbol of the seed of life – seven interlocking circles – and the other is the Celtic triple spiral representing the three stage of the sacred feminine – maid, mother, crone. I love them. To me they are like mandalas on my body that remind me of the sacredness of life. I thought about getting a tattoo for 10 years before I actually did it (i was 35 for the first one) and I would advise anyone to not get a tattoo too young!
I know! My kids come home with these great assignments — that are hands on + all encompassing. It’s a really nice way to learn as opposed to the worksheets I did as a kid. Thanks for stopping by!
I definitely see them as an outer expression of the inner. When I got them — I wasn’t fully aware of that. It was the thing to do in college, and we still laugh about our tattoo stories…most of my friends have gotten cover ups.
got tats
on my
heart 🙂
Indeed you do! I see them from your blog 🙂
Happy new year and best wishes to you and yours for health, happiness, peace & prosperity in 2015!
Oh, I love the school projects that invite the kids to delve into and express who they are! How cool that your son knew immediately what is meaningful to him, how he defines himself. He obviously has parents who facilitate that self-awareness and the sense of trust needed to be comfortable expressing it. Yay you and your husband! I really feel that my clothes and jewelry say who I am and I love being able to express different parts of myself–although vivid colors and sequins are def mainstays :). Thanks for another cool post, Elysha, and good luck with your tattoo journey. xoxo
Thanks, Russel. Right back atcha!
Vivid colors + sequins! The perfect combination for the vibrant you! I’m curious to learn more about your use of clothing and accessories to express yourself…I may be picking your brain about that in the near future. Thank you for your kind + thoughtful words. You always brighten my day! (And I can’t even see your vivid colors + sequins!) x x
I’d be honored to chat about my self-expressive clothes and accessories…although not sure I can add anything to your vast body of expertise. Still–I’d be intrigued and honored. Thanks for your kind comment. xoxo
I can happily say that I have never had a time come around to get tattooed. 🙂