As babies and children, there was so much AWE-some to see in our big, beautiful world. We found wonder everywhere.
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the been-there-done-that attitude sets in. As angsty teens? Busy moms? Climbing the corporate ladder? A move to NYC?
Regardless of when it happens, most adults have lost touch with wonder, and it became glaringly obvious on a school trip to the Empire State Building.
We were walking up the subway steps at 34th street. GLs teacher was leading the group with enticingly sing-songish words, I don’t know if you’re going to be able to see it…
When we hit street level, it was there – The Empire State Building stood tall in all its glory, and the kids went nuts.Their eyes widened while their fingers pointed up to the sky.
There it is!
It’s so big!
The excitement was contagious.
And though I see that building on the regular — I’ve visited the K-Bell showroom several times on the 33rd floor — I was called to take a photo.
It was packed up on the observation deck. The kids’ wonder waned a bit from the high-volume crowd and unseasonable heat. (I’m hungry. It’s hot. I can’t see.) My excitement was quickly replaced with annoyance (I barely have enough patience for my own kids– now I need to manage the complaints of 3 others??), but the adventure of trying to locate their school from the 86th floor was still pretty remarkable.
You don’t need the ESB to find wonder. You only need to refocus your eyes.
4 Spots To See Wonder:
- With Children
Looking through the lens of a child is a sure-fire way to find it. Try to cut through any jaded thoughts (judgement), and simplify back to a time of innocence. You’ll be amazed (literally) at what shows up. - In Nature
This is tough for us city-peeps. But it does exist. On our walk to school we listen to the birds talking. And just the other day GL pointed out a flower sprouting up from the crack in the sidewalk. - In A Book
So fascinated by the synopsis of M’s book, Wonder, I had to get my nose in there too. Do you know this title? It’s a great story for both kids and adults. Nevertheless, many books have the power of transporting a little wonder into your world.
- In Stillness
Usually my meditation brings me clarity, a knowing. But there is a tiny piece of possibility that comes with connecting to our inner selves. Plus, by garnering up a meditation practice, it opens you up to seeing the wonders of the world more clearly.
Where do you find wonder?
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I think you picked the top 4! I will add that a person can be down and low for whatever reason and I find wonder in how many people have the resilience to get back up and thrive. I also see wonder in the powers of laughter, music and art.
YES, GGW! Those are all WONDERful places!!
We can find wonder in most things and places if we open our eyes. Same can be said about the less desirable like the kids’ complaints in your trip to the ESB. The difference lies in our perspectives. I believe HOW we see things and experience people and places drives our abilities to find wonders.
I agree, Terry. The ability to find wonder in the not so obvious places requires a fresh perspective and the ability to stay curious. Thank you!
The way that I find wonder is to pay attention, pure and simple. Mindfulness = wonder.
Love this, Sara. Thank you!