If you’ve ever been interested in color analysis, or knowing which colors look best on you, then read on!

What The Experts Say
I interviewed personal color analyst, Christine Scaman from 12 Blueprints. We spoke about the different aspects of appearance and how life changing it can be once you start incorporating your most flattering colors.
Christine has a modern approach to color analysis, and she believes that we are our most beautiful when we look like our real selves. Her methods help us understand how our natural harmonies are created, and how choosing what to wear can be a simple and easy continuation of the colors we already are.
We also discussed:
- What modern color analysis is.
- Why the traditional 4 season method doesn’t work.
- How to apply color analysis in your own life.
- What happens during your color consultation.
- Building an interactive wardrobe of hair cosmetics and apparel where everything works with everything else.
- What you can do right away to start approaching color differently in your life today.

The Heart Of Color Analysis
Click play to watch the video and learn more from Christine Scaman on using color to look your best.
Christine has been a personal colour analyst since 2009. Her time is dedicated to training aspiring colour analysts and supporting their businesses and clients, as well as bringing awareness of the value of modern colour analysis to a new audience. She writes the website at 12blueprints.com and participates in the writing and development of chrysaliscolour.com. She lives in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Great interview!