Does your day begin with a wardrobe that screams at you and gets you feeling down about yourself?
Maybe you’re thinking if only…
“I was better at putting outfits together.”
“I was 20 lbs thinner.”
Then I’d look good.

But since you must get dressed, you fumble around with a bunch of bad outfit options and leave the house feeling frustrated and inadequate.
Your closet reveals more about your stuck patterns in life than you may know. And that’s what I’m talking about with my client Career Coach Mo Faul.
We discuss how she went from feeling down about her clothing choices to showing up with a signature style that makes her look polished, and feel professional AND the clothes are COMFORTABLE!
If you want to do better with what you wear so you know how to have a style that gives you confidence, watch this video! Especially if you’re:
- Kicking yourself every morning when you go into your closet.
- Wearing the same old things over and over to hide certain flaws in your body because you’ve gained weight or don’t feel as fit as you’d like.
- Feeling like your wardrobe choices aren’t showing your power.
- Not looking as fresh and energized as you’d like, and people are noticing.
We talk about what you must do to move past the negativity so you feel AMAZING about what you wear.
Ready to up-level your personal style? I can help! Click here to book a complimentary style clarity call and we will look at what your style needs so you always feel confident in your clothes.