Soulcycle — which has now become to indoor cycling what kleenex is to tissues — is a workout venturing beyond a simple sweat. Well, actually there’s a lot of sweat involved, but it’s got this whole mind body connection thing happening that takes it to another level.
It’s about the soul.
I’ve done other spin classes, and they aren’t the same. Soulcycle stands out because it’s an inner and outer workout. By focusing on both mind and body, you clear out the junk standing in the way of expressing your soul.
Here’s what else to know about Soulcycle
- Don’t wear shorts.
The jumping (back and forth-ing) on the seat causes friction, and will definitely leave its mark (sore crotch alert!)Â Wear cropped leggings to minimize bruising, and a bra-top or tank to keep yourself cool. - Arrive early.
There’s quite a bit of prep that goes into a soul ride. Between the clip shoes, hand weights and bike adjustment –it’s not the kind of thing where you just show up and go.
What the scene looks like:
Similar to a rock concert before the headliner hits the stage – low lights, heavy beats, and a contagious energy bouncing off the seats. The mostly female crowd & Jake Gyllanhaal spin their wheels with anticipation as their soul ride gets ready to roll!
The soundtrack.
It’s intrinsic to spinning. Like any activity that encourages an inner workout, the right song can fuel your ride up to its maximum potential. While the wrong one will lull your legs to a halfhearted plateau. With the constant kick behind every track, it’s pretty tough NOT to find the rhythm of the room — your bounce will easily be beckoned.
Now onto the rhythm.
To spin with soul is to bounce with the beat. To tune into, and become a part of the collective energy that permeates the place. This is the rhythm that regulates the room. It’s what makes for a wild and sweaty ride.
To pump up your experience, it’s best to let loose (yes, this is possible even with your shoes snapped into the bike.) Veteran cyclists have not only mastered sonic spinning with the arm building choreography, they make it their own with extra bits (& bumps) thrown in for fun. The goal — let the wheels set the motion to clear your mind.
After forty five minutes of the soul-called journey (enhanced by a stream of positive affirmations offered from the instructor) , it’s time to come home.
A simple stretch, a much needed shower, and the calm creeps into my body.
Who would have thought that stationary spinning could actually take you down an effective and high powered path to exercise mind, body and soul?
Oh, and according to a self professed Soul junkie — the crotch stops getting sore after several rides.
Have you tried Soulcycle? What did you think?
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