It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a How To on mercury retrograde, but since this one coincides with the end of year reflections / new year beginnings, I figured we could all use a little inspo on how to make this astrological cycle work best for our lives.
The main thing to remember is that mercury, the planet of communication, moves backwards during these times so everything we say or hear is not only easily misinterpreted, but they really do get misaligned. So if traveling, expect delays. Starting a new endeavor? Expect it will turn into something else based on new information that supersedes what you had originally thought. Electronics may go on the fritz, and new purchases may need to be returned. All of this can wreak havoc on the holiday spirit. Be prepared.
So with those basics out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff…what you can do to make your life better in the next 3 weeks.
- Mercury retrograde has a way of bringing your past into the present so reach out to old friends. It could be fun seeing them for the holidays.
- Look back on all your efforts, and figure out what went well in which areas along with where you can use some improvement. This could help with goal setting for the new year.
- Re-do your space! If you find yourself with downtime, refresh your home to make it a reflection of who you are today. (This includes a closet clear out!)
- Get a head start on your taxes. I know this is boringggg ? but tallying up receipts and such is a total mercury retrograde activity.
- Make a playlist of your favorite songs from when you were young. Then share it with your friends from that time. This is mine from highschool.
Most importantly, use this transit to slow down. Be with what is. Stop rushing onto the next (most likely your plans will be thwarted anyhow). And remember anything that comes up from your past merits your attention. Use the opportunities to reassess and realign with what can move you well into the future.
How do you deal with mercury retrograde?
Good posts, beautiful blog.
Welcome to see my creations:
Very helpful, Elysha, as usual. Wishing you and yours a beautiful holiday season and an inspiring 2017. xox
Thanks very much for this helpful and illuminating post, my friend. Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday season and an inspiring 2017! xox
Thank You, ST! I hope all is well with you and your family. Xoxoxo