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Let’s Shake It Up For 30 Days

    Photo by Alex Prager
    Photo by Alex Prager

    Okay, I think I’ve fallen for the ubiquitous 30 day challenge that’s popping up not only around here, but also IRL.

    I guess it’s about time, right?

    With a motivation for healthy living frequently sitting at the root of these goal driven commitments, why shouldn’t I give it a go?

    I like living healthy.  I guess I just never thought it necessary to set myself up on such a program.

    Until recently, when I witnessed the benefits of a 30 day challenge up close and personal.  I was called to style a photoshoot featuring a group of people looking to lose weight.  They committed to a 30 day diet challenge, and what a difference these 30 days made!  On the *before* shoot, I was working with women and men who were so completely uncomfortable in their skin.  (Add to that the fact they were photographed for a national magazine wearing workout clothes – talk about torture!)  On the *after* shoot they had totally transformed into confident models.  The success from their challenge radiated through their skin.  So yes, 30 days does make a difference!

    As for the commitment…it’s about picking your passion.  Or focusing on your weakness.  But really, it’s about moving outside of your comfort zone.  Doing things differently from how they’re usually done.

    So for the next 30 days I’ll do just that.   Whether it’s running for 10 mins longer, saying no to the afternoon Starbucks, or letting an irritation go.  It doesn’t need to be a grand gesture.  I’m going to shake things up with small change.

    I once read somewhere:
    small kindnesses
    small courtesies
    small considerations
    habitually practiced in our social intercourse
    give a greater charm to the character
    than the display of great talents and accomplishments

    Let’s do this one day at a time.  For the next 30 days.

    What will you commit to?

    8 thoughts on “Let’s Shake It Up For 30 Days”

    1. You already motivated me with your post, I hope you are motivated too for the 30 days challenge! 🙂

    2. Thanks Ruby! I feel motivated today….hoping I can hold onto this for the next 29! And thank you always for reading.

    3. How do you ‘like’ your post…..If there was a like button I would ‘press’ 100 times………Yes to all of the above! Let’s not stop at 30 days let it become a-part of us – Living Well inside and out…..always…..Cheers SorrentoMoon

    4. SorrentoMoon, thank you so much for your comment (&100 likes!). And yes, I am with you–let’s do this all the way!

    5. SirenaTales

      Love shaking things–me–up! Good luck to you. I’m on a similar path right now, without the 30 day parameter. Hoping we both hang in there. Cheers, xo

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