If you’re looking to take your wellness up a notch then you may be ready to bring some essential oils into your routine — it’s an easy step towards living well. In a recent yoga class with instructor Julie Peacock, I experienced the impact these oils can have as she applied BREATHE (a blend of peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon and cardamom that helps to open airways) to my face and neck in savasana — it was bliss!
Julie was kind enough to answer some questions I had about essential oils. She also shared some of her favorites for summer, and explained what we need to know about getting started with this practice.
EL: How did you discover essential oils?
JP: I’ve known about essential oils and their aromatic impact, and have dabbled in using them for many years. But last spring when I had a splitting headache, a friend pulled a bottle of PastTense from her purse and advised me to run some across my forehead and neck. This is what transformed me. My headache immediately disappeared – no advil required! She introduced me to doTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade oils, I bought a kit to start my home apothecary right away, and now use the oils daily on my family, clients and myself. It wasn’t until using these oils that I really started to experience real shifts in my health, overall wellness and life.
EL: What was the first oil you fell in love with and why?
JP: Obviously, PastTense, the tension blend, is a significant oil for me (I’ve gotten migraines and used to have nearly daily headaches since I was 12), but the citrus oils – wild orange, grapefruit, bergamot – are the ones that I was blown away by. They are brightening, uplifting, energizing and soothing to the spirit. Breathe in their aroma and your mood immediately lightens.
EL: Please explain how you use oils.
JP: From the moment I wake up to going to sleep, I use oils aromatically by diffusing them when I’m at home. One of my favorite blends is wild orange, bergamot and peppermint, so yes, I definitely mix them. When diffusing, particles of essential oils are released into the air for a purifying, cleansing and uplifting or calming response. I also use eos [essential oils] topically to both prevent and address certain issues; for instance, a stomach ache (peppermint & ginger), sore throat (melaleuca [tea tree oil] and ON GUARD, the protective blend doTERRA makes) or muscle aches (wintergreen and lemongrass). Also, I blend several oils together along with a carrier oil for a face oil, body oil and perfume that I use daily. Lastly, I ingest some oils (only doTERRA’s pure therapeutic grade oils are approved for this purpose) to support my gut, digestion, inflammatory response, and more.
EL: What are the benefits you have noticed from using oils?
JP: I mentioned above that my headaches have nearly disappeared, so that’s a big one. Also, I sleep better, don’t get sick as often as I used to, have more vibrant skin and most importantly, feel more empowered with natural tools to take better care of myself, family and clients.
EL: What would you suggest to someone who is first getting started in using essential oils?
JP: Did you know that for an essential oil to put pure on their label, only a very small percentage of that bottle has to be the pure oil? That means that fillers and contaminants can be in that bottle of oil. So, if you’re going to use essential oils, it’s important to buy pure therapeutic grade oils. DoTerra is the only company on the market that conducts rigorous testing and has third party review so that their oils are pure and of consistent quality. So, I recommend keeping it simple and going with the best.
EL: Which are your favorites to use during summer?
JP: Bergamot: my go-to summer oil. Tart citrus scent, great for boosting mood and promoting a happy home. Diffuse daily!
Elevation Blend: More mellow than bergamot but has a similar effect. Great to diffuse or wear as a scent.
Marjoram: herbaceous and green scent, similar function as lavender but less floral, great for menstrual pain, lovely to diffuse.
And my favorite summer blend is:
16 bergamot
24 grapefruit
6 sandalwood
2 ylang ylang
Mix drops in rollerball and top with fractionated coconut oil.
EL: Please tell me about doTERRA, and why you got involved with them.
JP: As I’ve already mentioned, I’ve never experienced such impact from essential oils before I started using doTERRA oils. I am a big believer in how important their quality is. Because of that impact, and after learning about the great reputation of the company and their humanitarian efforts, I felt compelled to start teaching and sharing these oils with others. Really, it’s all about empowering others to learn how to take care of themselves, which is possible for everyone.
EL: How can we get in touch with you to buy oils?
JP: You can email me at jnpeacock@gmail.com to set up a complimentary consult to see what oils to get started with. You can also go straight to my doTerra site and order oils there. To set up a wholesale account (25% off of retail and the best value if you’re going to buy a few oils), click here or to buy retail (1 or 2 oils), click here. Please feel free to email me with questions!
Thank You, Julie!
Click here for 5 Ways To Create Space In Your Mind, Body & Life today so you stress less and feel more free.Â
I love lavender oils but don’t use it often. Which one is your favorite?
I love lavender also. I don’t have that much experience with essential oils, but have always like sandalwood which is supposed to help with mental clarity and calmness.