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Moving Into The Happier Place


    You know that saying, in order to look good– you’ve got to feel good?

    It’s true.

    And I know this not only from a professional stylist perspective.

    But because I live it.
    Like recently when I had a rough night sleeping. Of course, the next morning my eyes were puffy and bloodshot with bags down to the floor. But mostly, I was in a crappy mood. I felt out of it, and had no desire to live life the way I usually like to — active, engaged and ready to make shit happen.

    Oh, and forget about putting together a cute outfit. It was going to be a tattered t-shirt and shorts kind of day.
    With sunglasses. There would definitely be sunglasses.

    So, I could’ve continued in this mindset (Yuck- I’m exhausted. I feel gross. I don’t want to do anything).
    Or I could’ve turned it around with an attitude adjustment (Okay, I’m exhausted– but that doesn’t mean today is ruined).

    Guess what I did?

    I danced.

    Yup, that’s right. I put on my 80’s playlist, and went with it to Salt N Peppa.
    It only took that one song to make me right.  Ah Push It!

    We’ve all got those activities that pull us out of the yuck and into the this doesn’t suck.
    It’s just about figuring out what those things are — to help access your happy place. Or at least your happier place.

    For me, a dance party usually does the trick… pretty quickly.
    And so will writing, running and bike riding. I’m superphysical, so if I’m moving… I’m on the way to my happier place.

    Oh, and it also helps to put on a cute dress with a little lipstick. Seriously. Try it.

    How do you move from yuck to your happier place?

    3 thoughts on “Moving Into The Happier Place”

    1. Anonymous

      I usually turn on some old school music. A little Stevie Wonder, James Brown, or Luther Vandross puts me at ease.

    2. t h i n g s + f l e s h

      i sing and that makes everything better. tony

    3. It’s so good you have figured that out, Tony. Now you can call on it whenever you need. Thank you for sharing!

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