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My Next Adventure In Motion Part II

    Dance Motion USA
    Dance Motion USA

    Last month, the air-born portion of my adventures in motion kicked off flying from the trapeze. After seeing the Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company perform at BAM last Sunday, the message became even more clear — I need to dance in the air.

    Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company
    Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company

    Aerial dancing is where freedom, grace, precision, and strength join a playful presence of vibrant delight.

    Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company
    Dance Motion USA

    Energy soars in a dream-like existence, floating above real life.

    Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company
    Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company

    With no boundaries, or gravity pulling you down– it’s the ultimate in soul expression.

    I must find a class.

    4 thoughts on “My Next Adventure In Motion Part II”

    1. SirenaTales

      Oh, cool, TT. So glad you found this so inspiring. In NYC, you should be able to find a class more easily than pretty much anywhere else. I will stay tuned. Thanks for the beautiful post. xoxo

    2. Thanks to YOU–I’m seeking my next movement class. It’s so amazing to know there are others who share similar passions, and inspire along the way. You are that for me, ST…a kindred spirit with a passion to dance! xoxo

    3. SirenaTales

      Thanks, TT–the deep appreciation is mutual. Just an FYI, the David Dorfman Dance show opening at BAM today (through Sunday) is a fantastic show with a feast of dancing by some amazing dancers (and a live band onstage). It’s not aerial dancing, but it flies. These folks have been amazingly generous to me. Good luck finding your class. xoxo

    4. It’s looking like this weekend may be tough for me to get to BAM, but I really appreciate you keeping me in the loop of these cool performances. xoxo

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