Whenever I’m working with a client, the goal is to get her looking great. But the thing is — GREAT is subjective. Therefore, my job as a personal fashion stylist, is to get in touch with my client’s most inspired self, and show her how to put that into a personal style. This way she loves the way she looks and it impacts how she feels about herself.
If you want to make your personal style great, you must define what great looks like to you. And in order to make this declaration you must be very clear about who you are and what you love. That’s why having a strong sense of self is an integral component of personal style.
Watch the video where I explain how to make your style yours.
And continue reading for 4 things you can do to connect with yourself and gain clarity on what you love.
Putting The Personal Into Style
1. Listen To Music
Whenever I’m drifting away from who I am, one of the easiest ways to come back to myself is to put on a song that I love. Radiohead always works for me. If I can carve out just 5 minutes to listen to one of their songs, and really listen to it…not just let it blare in the background. But fully engage with the lyrics and the sounds to go deeper into who I am, greatness becomes more clear. Next time you’re feeling a little out of sorts, pop on one of your favorite tunes and give yourself to the music. I promise that you will feel lifted and in touch with what you love from the experience.
2. Meditate
Meditation is one of those things make be a better person…but it’s SO easy to blow off. Because the truth is – when I’ve got 10 minutes, sitting in silence isn’t exactly how I want to spend that time. It doesn’t feel productive. But I know this isn’t the case. And that’s why I try to make daily meditation a part of my best morning routine. It’s a long game, for sure, meaning your meditation practice will build on itself. The more you do, not only will it become more natural, but you’ll also start to see results. One of the biggest changes I attribute to meditation is more self awareness. When you’re sitting and watching your thoughts go by….you become very familiar with who you are. This plays out well with your style.
Get To Know Yourself Better
3. Stay Open To Inspiration
Sometimes, when we’ve totally lost our way with our style, and we’ve forgotten who we are and what we love, it’s really helpful to look outside of ourselves for inspiration. Seeing how others put their outfit together, or just acknowledging pretty things will get us reacquainted with what we love. It’s like when your bucket of inspiration has been drained, you use the surrounding beauty to fill it. Once you’ve got the inspiration, it will mix with your natural creativity and remind you of who you are and what you love.
4. Connect To The Body
I’m a thinker. I love getting lost inside my head to strategize, make assessments and come up with plans. All this mental energy can be helpful as I’m always formulating ideas. But sometimes, getting lost in my head takes me further away from myself. My true self, that is. Our brains don’t always know best. In fact, when I really want to know the truth, I listen to my body. Our bodies always know what’s best for us. And that’s why I make exercise a regular part of my routine. It gives me the time to connect to my body which carries over into the rest of my day, and informs my choices about who I am and what I love.
Here’s why you can’t put together outfits you love and that make you look amazing.
Absolutely loved this video. I’ve started fast walking twice a day to jump start my metabolism and I can look around me at people’s styles……………..and of course music is the greatest way to remember who I am and what I love. I’ve noticed women wearing Kimona -like, long wraps over their clothes…have you seen that?
Hi Pamela!, I love walking around the city and seeing all the styles. I have noticed the kimono wraps a lot. I think a couple of women in our FB group have shared photos of them as well. They’re popular!