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Welcome to Day 4 of Reclaim Your Style!

How did it go yesterday on Pinterest? Have you gotten your RECLAIM YOUR STYLE CHALLENGE board loaded with inspiration? I hope so because it will make today’s task a lot easier.

(If you need to catch up on the emails + styling tutorials, click this link for Day 3click this link for Day 2 and click this link for Day 1)

For Day 4, you’ll go back to your Pinterest board, and determine the common themes of your pins. These are your style elements. They are the components that will make up your signature look.

Basically, when you’re putting together an outfit, you layer style elements on top of each other. So you add one element. Then another element. And so on until you’ve got your look!

Some examples of style elements are:





These are just a few style elements. The list could go on to include any styling detail you want to include in your look.


Look at your pin board, and pay attention to the common themes, or style elements you notice.

Is there an overall color palette that jumps out at you?

Or how about specific styling details – like are there a bunch of blazers? Or jeans? Or hats? Or high heels? Scarves? Maxi skirts? Long sweaters?

What is the common theme of your pin board?

These are you style elements.
Click here to watch the video where I go into detail to explain the style elements, and how they apply to your signature look.
And make sure to download the workbook so you have a solid understanding of today’s challenge.

You can get the workbook by clicking here.

And that’s all for today!

I’ll see you tomorrow.
