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Personal Style As A Self Care Practice

    Before rolling your eyes at the idea of making your style a self care practice, please know that I am THE BIGGEST eye roller when it comes to sappy self care routines. I hate taking baths and I am NOT into candles. 

    What I am into: feeling good about myself. 

    Because when I feel good about myself, I am more confident to BE myself

    So when your self care practice helps you step into your full expression, of course personal style belongs there! 

    Oh, hello there!

    The Most Productive Self Care Practice

    If you do a deep dive into self care (I don’t expect you to!) you’ll see there are multiple forms to enhance your well being. So if you’re a high performing female — like me — who prides herself on getting the job done, you will LOVE how your personal style tackles many of the self care types.

    In one morning — before 8am — you can:

    ✔️ Turn on your creativity and step outside your comfort zone (mental self care)
    ✔️ Pay attention to your self talk and how you see yourself (emotional self care)
    ✔️ Put on “feel good” fabrics next to your skin (physical self care)
    ✔️ Get excited to see the people around you (social self care)

    Or if you’re more of a night owl, then recall that time you were getting ready for a fun party. Maybe you danced. Perhaps you were inspired and put on a dress that makes you feel sexy. And you paired it with a belt you’ve never worn before. Couple this experience with the anticipation of partying with people you love, and you’ve elevated your vibe! 

    So whether it’s for work or date night  — personal style can get the job done…it’ll help you feel good about yourself!

    Everyday Isn’t Rainbows And Sunshine

    But let’s be real, sometimes feeling good isn’t in the cards. That’s when you use your personal style practice to feel less bad.

    About a month ago I was away from my family for a week while styling a commercial. When I returned from the job, I (foolishly) assumed everyone would want to hang out with me. WRONG! Teenagers got teenage-y things to do, and DH also had plans. I was alone!

    What started out as a way to distract myself from feeling bad (“I’m lonely and I need something to do so I’ll organize my closet”) evolved into an exploration of self. I let go of clothes that were no longer me which got me thinking deeper about who I want to BE and what that looks like.

    My closet purge gave me something positive to focus on, and ultimately brought me to my self care goal of BEing more of myself. (This closet session also led to a major upgrade in my wardrobe for the new season which I wrote about here.)

    The Trickle Down Effect

    Did you know YOUR self care practice also helps those around you? I learned about this when I was into yoga. It has to do with everyone being connected which never really landed for me. It wasn’t until I saw the direct impact on my family — when I feel good about myself, I’m nicer. It’s as simple as that. I call it the trickle down effect because when mom’s happy she can make everyone else happy.

    There’s another component to this though… 

    A few weeks ago, GL (my 14 year old) was upset about something. She mentioned what  happened, but didn’t want to talk about it. She preferred being in her room. About an hour later she came out with a garbage bag of clothes to donate. I looked at her drawers and her clothes were neatly folded into rolls!

    It’s how she rolls…

    Like mother like daughter! (Although I don’t roll my clothes.)

    How To Practice Personal Style?

    So now that I’ve made my case for personal style as a self care practice, you may be like, “Yeah ok. I get that self care can make me more confident to be myself, but how do I do this?”


    Like every personal practice, begin with intention. Be thoughtful about your choices relating to your style, and make every action a bid to know yourself deeper

    This includes the tangibles like:

    ✔️ Getting dressed

    ✔️ Shopping

    ✔️ Closet purging

    And the intangibles like:

    ✔️ Your identity

    ✔️ Your self image

    ✔️ Your relationship to your stuff

    The path of personal style starts with self discovery and it’s through knowing yourself that you can love yourself and BE MORE of yourself. 

    But it’s not about hitting goals, or checking off boxes.

    It’s about who you are BEING on the way to these goals…

    This is the practice.

    It’s how your personal style becomes effortless, a natural expression of who you are. 

    MY Style

    Personal Style As A Self Care Practice

    If your wardrobe doesn’t give you confidence, the real problem is that you’re focusing more on the clothes than on how you’re BEING in the clothes.

    Style is your way of being! 

    That’s why including it in your self care practice is essential!

    Want my help in reimagining your personal style so it supports ALL parts of who you are and expresses the full confidence of who you’re meant to be?

    Let’s talk!

    I’ve got 2 spots available to work with me. Go here to book a call, and let’s discuss your unique situation and how to make your style more YOU.

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