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Today Is The Day!

    Image found on Pinterest
    Image found on Pinterest

    ♥ I’ll crank up both the speed and incline on the treadmill
    ♥ I’ll walk up 12 flights of steps instead of riding the elevator

    ♥ I’ll listen to In Rainbows, The King Of Limbs and Amnesiac
    *and breakout in spontaneous dance for the fun parts
    *and open up so the soft parts of each song can settle right into my sweet spot (with tears!)
    *and sing really loudly even though the people outside in the hallway will hear

    ♥ I’ll go out on Date Nite with DH
    *and tell him that I love him
    *and appreciate all that he does (he does a lot!)

    ♥ I’ll try not to let my high-wire energy and perfectionist attitude turn me into an uptight ball of nerves

    ♥ I’ll actually stop what I’m doing, and LOOK when G requests me to
    ♥ I’ll stay calm, cool and collected when helping M with his homework (math has never been my thing!)

    ♥ I’ll tally up all the amazing things I’ve created in this life
    *and give thanks for all that’s been given to me

    ♥ I’ll let the little girl within come out to play

    ♥ I’ll share something meaningful…here

    ♥ I’ll take some ME time


    Because if not today…then when?

    PS. It’s my birthday!


    10 thoughts on “Today Is The Day!”

    1. imagine me singing at the top of my lungs ‘happy birthday to you happy birthday to you….’ etc til the end!!
      love and hugs to a very special person who embraces all that is good and appreciates all the details.

    2. “I’ll try not to let my high-wire energy and perfectionist attitude turn me into an uptight ball of nerves” Yup! I can relate! Happy Belated Birthday!

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