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When Options Overwhelm, Remember This…

    choices*Each time we are given a choice
    We are also given a gift — the opportunity to practice discernment.
    As we get better at making decisions, we refine our direction,
    And our path becomes much easier to navigate.

    (Deep thoughts during yesterday’s sneaker selection.)

    twitter: @elyshalenkin
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    7 thoughts on “When Options Overwhelm, Remember This…”

    1. girlgatheringwisdom

      Isn’t life interesting? Sometimes the most mundane thing i.e. shopping for sneakers can be the teaching tool of the moment as long as we remain calm when faced with an overwhelming situation. Good going Elysha for seeing the gift through the forest of shoes.

    2. It only posted the first word of my reply! I am reading Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws, and in the chapter on karma he says that we must practice conscious choices, because our tendency to auto attic pilot through our lives creates karma that we don’t want. And what are our lives but a series of tiny choices?

    3. GGW, I think those mundane experiences can be the biggest teachers, if we’re open to it. I think the challenge is that if a situation is boring or annoying…it’s easier to tune out, or stress out.

    4. Sara, I’m glad you shared this! I had never considered the great impact my unconscious choices could have– this is definitely good food for thought. Thank You! (So weird that the comments keep cutting you off!)

    5. This is what the spiritual path is all about!!! Seeing that the simplest things are opportunities for awakening…even sneaker shopping. I love that you had deep thoughts while looking at shoes. You have a deep awareness, so it isn’t just about the object in front of you–it’s about the whole picture. Lovely!

    6. Lorien, your comment gave me goosebumps! It is about the whole picture, and connecting with others on this path — like you — helps me see the picture more clearly. Thank you for spreading your wisdom my way this afternoon.

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