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When The Fall Brings You Down

    alex stoddard
    Alex Stoddard

    Give in to gravity

    687859f5475f459646744459e50dd135And find grace in the moment unknown

    tumblr_lfz8u41ADV1qe9qmoo1_500Let go of control

    91f164dfb7f4263839e82f63c1039098Release the fear

    Elysha LenkinBecause not risking the fall

    762ea83fc630644197ccaa403fcf56c9Hurts harder in the end

    When was the last time you fell?

    14 thoughts on “When The Fall Brings You Down”

    1. SirenaTales

      TT, This piece of loveliness took my breath away! So true–release into the ground, gravity, the fall. In answer to your question, about an hour ago, repeatedly at dance rehearsal :). Rock on. xoxo

    2. So that means you’re going for it in the dance studio! Good for you, ST! Being good at falling is a true skill. One that I’m still working on. xoxo

    3. Veronica

      Literally, I will fall again on Wednesday…more trapeze lessons. (I *will* catch that Straddle Whip this time!) Metaphorically, I’ve been falling for months now, working on a business idea. Interestingly, I’m not sure which one of those is scarier to me…

    4. I think the literal falling helps prepare for the metaphorical falling. It’s that practice of losing balance /control and then recovering / getting back up with grace (or as much possible).
      And I know you’ll catch the straddle whip this time–Have fun!

    5. SirenaTales

      Is that second image from the end one of you, TT? In the harness? You really may want to check out an aerial dance class…some dancer friends of mine have been fascinated by that as well. Let me know if you do it–would like to hear your perspective! Xo

    6. Ah, I’ve been spotted! Yes, that one is me. I will most definitely keep you posted on my next adventure in motion! xoxo

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