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How To Have A Flattering Fall Wardrobe

    I want a flattering fall wardrobe!” That was my client telling me about her recent style goal. We had worked together last spring, so she knew the ease that comes when you love your clothes and the relief of knowing everything looks good. But that was months ago! Those warm weather outfits wouldn’t work once the temperatures drop. She needed to update for her fall!

    I know she’s not alone! Change is a major style disruptor. You get used to certain outfits, and then you’re forced to dress differently to embrace that change. That’s why I’m sharing the steps I use with my clients to create a flattering fall wardrobe. This advice will help whether you’re getting ready for colder weather, or navigating other changes —like going back into the office more or dealing with weight fluctuations. 

    Keep reading for my latest style advice to have a flattering fall wardrobe!


    First, keep in mind that “flattering” means making yourself feel good. So, a flattering fall wardrobe isn’t just about looking good; it’s also about feeling good. You need to achieve both for full flattery.

    When talking about looking good, it typically relates to your body shape, specifically your proportions and how you carry your weight. It also depends on your coloring, which has to do with your hair, eyes, and skin. Once you know these details, it’s much easier to dress in clothes that compliment your features.

    For example, if you have large breasts, avoid dangling pendants that end at your bust. Instead, wear a necklace higher up so it draws the eye towards your face. And if your coloring is warm, you’ll look great in warm colors, which happen to be quite popular in fall! All colors come in warm and cool variations, so your choices are not limited! 

    While body shape guidelines can be helpful — especially when you’re navigating change and want simple “rules” to follow — ultimately, you make your own rules! The goal is to wear things you love and that make you feel good about yourself. I see too many women struggling with their personal style because they wear what they think they SHOULD instead of what they want to wear.

    Of course, many don’t know what they want to wear because they’ve stopped caring about things like this. But then they wonder why their energy is so low and they feel like they’re blending into the background. It’s because they’re not paying attention to what they like and what looks good on them!  Bottom line, if you love something that’s not in line with your body type guideline, wear it anyway! (Click here to read the truth on dressing body types)


    Once you know your flattering clothes, get rid of everything else in your wardrobe. Just kidding. Not really. I know that most of you probably have a closet full of clothes that don’t flatter you, but if you got rid of all of them, you’d have nothing to wear. You still need to cleanout your closet though. Because all of those “unwearable” clothes are getting in the way and confusing your sense of style.

    My advice is to pare down as much as you can. Having fewer but better options will make getting dressed much more simple. And fun! Remember my client who I wrote about earlier who went through this process for spring —she was overwhelmed and burdened by too many unwearable clothes in her closet. But once she cleared most of them out, she felt so much lighter, and it showed in her appearance! She looked more vibrant. She also tripled the number of outfits she had using less clothes!

    So start by getting rid of your old and ill fitting clothes. My free 5-step closet cleanout guide will help! Grab your copy here.


    By this point, you’ve decided what’s flattering and your wardrobe is clear of most of the unflattering stuff. Now it’s time to mix and match to create your new fall looks. Start with what you have so you can notice what’s missing to make your deliberate shopping list.

    For example, if you have several blouses you love — start building outfits with them to see what you can come up with. You may notice that you aren’t left with many flattering bottoms. (Bottoms are always the biggest struggle!) So that’s what you need to add to your shopping list. When you have a deliberate shopping list, you’ll update with what your wardrobe needs — flattering clothes — and won’t get sidetracked by things that catch your eye.

    Your flattering fall wardrobe starts by defining what’s flattering to you. Remember, this is a look good AND feel good situation. Once you’ve nailed that down, get rid of everything that doesn’t align. As you curate your wardrobe with the clothes you want to wear, you’ll easily pinpoint the missing pieces, allowing you to confidently update your fall style.

    Need help creating your flattering fall wardrobe? Click here to book a complimentary call and let’s discuss what’s changing in your life and how I can help.

    2 thoughts on “How To Have A Flattering Fall Wardrobe”

    1. Jane Greer

      Nice, helpful article and thoughts on wardrobe Elysha… it gives a clear aim, getting to know what we want instead of being dominated by a feeling what we ought to do,


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