I finally made it back to the 5Rhythms dance. Though I’m well aware when these classes happen ( I even mark my calendar), for one reason (evening time slots never vibe with my DNA of rise then exercise) or another (just too damn tired, or hot, or fill in the blank with another lame excuse ) — I rarely show up. But as previously mentioned — I did it! And that’s what matters for now.

A series of rhythms that make up the movement practice created by Gabrielle Roth. In a 5Rhythms class, you’ll go through flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness to make the Wave (different Wave from the sports arena variation). The Wave is built on energy, and it guides you on a journey of transformation leading towards your most authentic expression, or dance.

A full-on dance party! Think after-hours club packed with only the die-hards — inhibitions are checked at the door! It’s a sweaty mix covering the gamut. You’ll see a fresh-faced twenty something in a flowy dress (that gets hiked up with the heat) move her way into the unknown. Or a seen-it-all sixty year old exploring everything in-between. Regulars converse through their bodies while soloists are figuring out the tempo in their own time. Prepare to slide since the floor fills with sweat, and though it may seem a little gross — you’re not thinking about it!
There are 5 of them, of course. Connection and expression emerge as everyone moves through the rhythms together in their own unique interpretation.
Original. Raven Recordings (Gabrielle Roth’s label) made music specifically for the Wave. Call it world music, or even EDM — it’s the trance that feeds the dance. With no lyrics to grab onto (except maybe a bit of chanting), the hard-hitting sound speaks loud in a primal thumping beat.

Gabrielle Roth intended for this to be a spiritual practice, and it can be. Some cities offer Sweat Your Prayer sessions as a weekly offering to dance your way to the divine. For those looking to go a little deeper into themselves, and are open to the possibilities — 5Rhythms dance is definitely a vehicle for discovery. And a solid way to workout the mind, body and soul.
It’s so fun to read your take on this dance practice–one I have come to love so much over the last couple of years. You might check your community for “ecstatic dance.” We’ve got a group of 100+ folks who meet weekly to dance here in Austin and it’s really something special.
I am doing a year long 5 rhythms workshop, and I go to other 5 rhythms events whenever I can. It is such a great stress reliever and it just feels so good to dance!!
Yay you, TT!! Oh do I ever get the myriad reasons/ excuses not to get the bod (and soul) to dance class, much as I am so passionate about dancing. But it is HARD to get there much of the time–the honest reasons you give are spot on. The key, as you wisely note, is that YOU DID IT–yahoo! And thanks so much for conveying so infectiously and vividly the joy, challenge, socialness, sometimes transcendence and, yeah baby, workout that thread throughout movement practices, but uniquely for each person. Thanks too for putting that positive vibe out into the Universe. Rock on–I’ll meet you there. Xoxo
That sounds amazing, Amanda. Thanks for the tip…I’ll be sure to check it out, and perhaps even write about it here! Enjoy the weekend!
Yes–It feels SO good to dance! How awesome to have all that 5Rhythms in your life now. Thank you for sharing!
I like to do my classes in the am so it doesn’t hang over me all day. The pressure to do it seems to grow bigger as the day wears on…and so do my excuses not to go! But as you once wrote on your amazing blog — (the one where you had to drive far, and sometimes got lost on the way) it’s always worth it in the end. That feeling of having shown up and danced is what matters! (And is what makes us go back for more!) Love your feedback, and thank you for the always thoughtful words. xoxo
I love reading about others’ experiences dancing the 5Rhythms. I had my first class in 2010, and it has re-shaped my life the more committed I am to the practice, especially after moving from general Sweats to Waves to work in the Heartbeat level. In fact, my blog even shifted from one about general health and well-being to mostly about meditative movement, with a heavy emphasis on 5Rhythms! Keep dancing!
That’s fantastic that you’re so committed to 5Rhythms! I easily see how it can re- shape a life (both inside and out!) It’s an amazing practice, and something I too will continue to do. Thank you for sharing! Ps–I love your blog with the 5Rhythm focus!