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My Next Adventure In Motion Part III

    Ever since flying free on the trapeze I’ve had an inner urge to keep at it — high above the ground.  Aerial silks, with its natural defiance of gravity, seemed like the next move to make. With roots in circus arts and yoga, I decided that since I’ve already got the yogi thing (sort of) down, why not give it a go, and get it off the ground!

    Oh, Hi!
    Oh, Hi!


    Aerial yoga is a fusion practice. It takes traditional yoga poses and places them in or around a silk hammock. There’s a definite level of strength and balance infused in trying to maneuver within the draping piece of fabric. Themes like trust, and play are explored within the framework of the breath while working to find personal expression and grace.


    Women who know yoga. One woman told me she was in the midst of an Ashtanga teacher training which required her to try different yoga variations. A couple others looked very relaxed inverting in the air. Oh, and the overall room was vibrant with orange silks underneath every move.


    Light. Airy. Flowing.


    It could be anything, really. In my class it was downtempo. I heard Erykah Badu and my favorite from Radiohead, Reckoner.


    All of them. A wandering mind will leave your body flat on the floor — so you must stay present! Also, it’s fun. The soul LOVES to play! We swung. We flew. We did somersaults. We hung upside down. Think- kids at a playground. Then add an Om.

    Would you ever try aerial yoga?

    13 thoughts on “My Next Adventure In Motion Part III”

    1. SirenaTales

      TT, Very cool. Thanks for the colorful description, as I have wondered about this since seeing a much less detailed article about an aerial yoga class in my newspaper last fall. Is that you calmly, seemingly effortlessly, dangling there? I find the element of play in this to be very appealing. Will you go back? xx + hug

    2. Why yes, ST– that is me dangling…and let me just say — it was so much fun to dangle! I don’t get to do that very often. I think this could be a fun supplement to my traditional yoga practice… for when I’m looking to spice it up and learn new tricks. Because as you say, the element of play is very appealing. Do they offer any classes near you? It could be an interesting variation to your dancing…perhaps it could add a new dimension to your choreography with the airiness of it all. xx + Big Hug PS. I’m so happy you were here today!

    3. Hey Tamina! Looks like such a blast.:) I’ve watched aerial silks classes at my ballet studio and I’m planning on signing up for a workshop sometime this year for sure! – Donna

    4. Donna, I think aerial yoga could be a nice complement to ballet…your muscles can fully relax while stretching deeper in the pose.

    5. I loved aerial yoga…I only did it that once — but it was definitely yoga + fun. I have yet to try acro yoga, is that kind of like partner yoga?

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