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Try This Style Rule For More Versatility And Creativity With Your Clothes

    “I never thought to wear it like that!” If I had $1 for every time someone said this to me, I’d be RICH!

    It came up yesterday during my client session. We were playing around in her digital closet with her cardigans. There was one — a pretty blue green that’s in HER color palette — she never wears because it’s too preppy. I totally see how a crewneck cardigan sweater can feel like that!

    That’s why I suggested NOT to wear it as a cardigan. Button it up and keep it bare underneath!

    Then she said the thing: that she never thought to do that!

    From there we went into her accessories to add more pizazz, and make the look feel more like her. 

    My client is not alone when it comes to getting dressed in the same old ways, and missing out on untapped opportunities in her closet!

    Which is why I’m sharing a foundational style rule that will help if you want more versatility with your garments, more creativity in how you put your outfits together, and more clarity in what items work for your style. 

    Keep reading to learn about the rule of 3!

    Style Rule of 3

    I first learned about the Rule of 3 in writing. Basically, it states that every idea should be presented in threes. You may notice this here on blog with posts like 3 Style Tips to Get Camera Ready, 3 Things Not to Buy When Shopping and 3 Chic Ways To Layer Your Spring Dress. (HA! I used 3 examples to illustrate the rule of 3 — META!)

    Anyhow, this rule works beautifully when you want an intentional and cohesive wardrobe. Here it is…

    Style rule — Every garment must fit into 3 different outfits. 

    This doesn’t mean go through each item of your wardrobe and pair it into 3 outfits, although you could! Just focus on your hero pieces. (A hero is one that serves as the focal point of your look.) Your basics should work into many outfits — that’s why they’re basic.

    So the assignment is to pick out 3 pieces and match them into 3 different looks. Then do it again with 3 more. And again.

    I did it with this skirt. 

    I love this skirt, but it felt hard to wear. So I put in the time + energy to figure out HOW I want to wear it, and then plugged in the pieces to do the job.

    Watch the quick video to see how I applied the rule of 3 with my wardrobe!

    Bottom line: If you can’t find 3 pieces to plug into the outfit, that item doesn’t belong in your wardrobe. (Isn’t it fun how this rule easily blends into closet clearing!?!?!)

    So get into your wardrobe, start making threes and let me know how it goes!

    If you’re feeling especially stuck and lacking inspiration then let’s talk! I have a new styling service that focuses on repurposing your old clothes into new looks. This is for you if you have A LOT of clothes, yet always wear the same few things. I’ll show you how to bring those unworn items back into rotation in a fresh and modern way, without buying more! You don’t need new clothes to revamp your style! You just need a new outlook.

    Book a call to chat here.

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