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Redefining Your Style For The New Season

    I’ve got a photoshoot coming, and what’s different about this one — I’m not only the stylist. I’m also the subject! While I love styling my clients and helping them get their outfits together, it’s been really fun focusing on my own style. Especially since I hadn’t given it much thought in the past couple years, thanks to the pandemic. So with the new season, I decided to go all-in on myself, and work my way through the stylist process I use with my clients. It’s been both a remembering of who I am and an awakening to who I’m becoming!

    The cool thing is that although I’ve been focused on this upcoming shoot, my stylist process works for anyone looking to redefine their style. You don’t need to have photos done! Which is why I’m sharing it all here.

    So if you’re ready to reconnect to your personal style and express yourself in a wardrobe that’s right for you now, keep reading! 

    New Season, New Look

    There are 4 steps in my stylist process to redefine your style for the new season. To achieve the best results, I recommend working your way through each stage in this order.

    1. Define your vibe
    2. Set the vision
    3. See what you have
    4. Get what you need

    Let’s look at each one so you know how to proceed.

    Define Your Vibe

    This is about setting the tone of your style, and my favorite way to do this is by choosing 3 words to articulate it best. For those who have worked with me either privately or in my groups, you’re familiar with my north star technique. It’s this. Come up with three words to describe your style.

    Since joining TikTok, I’ve noticed lots of women talking about these three words and they focus only on the clothes. They’ll look at their wardrobes and then pick three words based on what they see in their closet.

    But that’s not how I do it. 

    Your style is based on a feeling. It’s an energy you emanate. It’s your vibe. And that’s what these three words must express. 

    Also, remember these words are dynamic. They change as you change. I’ll admit I got stuck on breezy, unexpected and cool for too long. Those words definitely expressed my vibe before, but I held onto this definition way past its due date.

    Thankfully, I’m all caught up now. My vibe is: simplified creativity with a punch.

    Set The Vision

    Once you’ve dialed in on your vibe, or your three words, open up to inspiration and let in some new ideas! This means look outside of yourself and see what grabs you. It’s the fun part!

    I use Pinterest for this. Each of my clients have their very own vision board that I’ve created for them, and I consistently refer back to it to stay on track with their unique style.

    Start yours by collecting images that you love. Pin everything that catches your eye, and then edit down to only looks that align with your vibe. This isn’t about finding outfits that you want to replicate head to toe. It’s planting a seed for your redefined style.

    See What You Have

    Now that you have a vision for your style, it’s time to get into your closet and bring the vision to life. Give yourself plenty of time to play around and try things on. I actually had multiple sessions with my wardrobe to prep for my shoot, and each time my outfits got more refined. 

    This was the first look I put together.

    I already owned these pieces, but NEVER wore them like this. As soon as I put it on, I knew it was a winner. I felt like myself — simplified creativity with a punch!

    That’s the beauty of working with what you already have…the pieces fit and feel good. They usually just need to be paired differently.

    Here’s a quick video that shows how I put this look together.

    The plan is to do 4 different looks for the shoot so I continued creating outfits. You should do the same thing for your new season style. This way it becomes very clear what items are missing.

    Get What You Need

    The last step is to fill in the gaps to complete your outfits. 

    Yellow has been a big color for me lately (as red and orange always are) so I wanted to wear this turtleneck that I bought last spring. 

    The top on its own felt a little…plain. Sure, I could add necklaces. (I will!) But it needed a layer.

    That’s when I found this jacket. Or is it a sweater? (It’s knit.)

    There was a nice woman who took my picture in the store so I could get a good full length view

    I knew I had to have it so brought it home. 

    But It felt a little….much.

    So I shortened it and took it in.

    Much better.

    Being able to recognize what’s YOU, and knowing how to alter it just right is super helpful when redefining your style. It gives you more options!

    A couple other items my wardrobe was missing:

    ✔️ Meaningful graphic tee

    ✔️ Bright blazer

    ✔️ Khaki colored bottom

    With some deliberate shopping I found them all, and it didn’t cost much money!

    A Thoughtful Wardrobe = A Well Curated Style

    Because I’ve been so intentional with my purchases these past few years, and have only bought things that feel aligned, my wardrobe is well curated! I didn’t have to buy a whole bunch of new pieces for this shoot because I already had most of what I wanted. I just needed to fill in a few gaps.

    When you keep current with your style and update accordingly, your wardrobe becomes a thoughtful representation of who you are and what you love. Then when it’s time to update, you only need small tweaks to get it just right.

    If you want help redefining your style for the new season, let’s talk! Go here to book a complimentary call. I’ve got a few options for how we can work together so let’s chat and see which styling service is right for you!

    2 thoughts on “Redefining Your Style For The New Season”

    1. Nicely done, Elysha. I liked the way you explained about your inside-out stylist process in 4 steps. The examples you provided were easy to understand and follow. And the tips were right-on further illustrated how you used the very principle in creating your new style. Thanks for sharing .

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