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How Evolving My Style Keeps Me Up To Date (And Yours Can Too!)

Since evolving your personal style reveals a lot about who you are, why not have a look at your own style evolution? Even if you haven’t been conscious with your outfit planning and style choices, looking at old photos should reveal something about who you were. And once you become more intentional with what to wear, you’ll see that your style is not only a reflection of who you are, but it also helps shape who you want to be.

Since evolving your personal style reveals a lot about who you are, why not have a look at your own style evolution? Even if you haven’t been conscious with your outfit planning and style choices, looking at old photos should reveal something about who you were. And once you become more intentional with what to wear, you’ll see that your style is not only a reflection of who you are, but it also helps shape who you want to be.