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Forget Resolutions: Let’s Make A Plan

    Last year around this time I wanted to Forget Resolutions And Live Like It’s The Circus.

    I had this grandiose vision about living in balance with vulnerability in alignment with what matters, and connected to something greater.

    Wow, what a mouthful!

    Those were some mighty goals that I had set for myself. Actually, I think those are more of my north star guideposts — they’ll continue to inspire my existence forever.

    So while it’s great to have these north stars as guidance, they’re rendered useless without a plan to get me there. New behaviors take practice. Having some sort of outline to set the parameters for a new path can be incredibly useful.

    Take living in alignment with what matters most…

    For me, it’s self expression — my own, and inspiring others to tap into theirs. My plan to help get me there is to continue posting here regularly. Along with fine-tuning my styling business so it’s more accessible for others to try. (I’ve got big plans for this, and will definitely be posting updates as it unfolds.)

    Then there’s the parenting component to this goal of living in alignment with what matters most. To help guide M + GL into being their best expressions, I can listen closer when they speak, watch them more attentively when they ask, and give them their space to formulate their own identities. I know it sounds simple, but trust me — this sometimes-distracted-working-mom is not always as tuned in, or mindful as I’d like. Small steps…

    Now that we’re halfway through January, it’s a nice time to reassess your plans for the year. If being 20 lbs lighter is part of your vision, awesome! How will you do it? Exercise 3 times a week? Go gluten free? What’s your plan to get there? Maybe you could suss out 3 new gluten free recipes a week to try. Or commit to Soul Cycle every Wednesday at 8am. Be super specific about what you can do. And please make it do-able within your lifestyle.

    As I develop my business, I need to be realistic about my time — I’m a mom. I also work freelance for other people. I exercise daily. And I need to take care of all the tasks that make our home run smooth. I can’t work on my business 24 /7 as some entrepreneurs may do. Or even 40 hours a week as most full-timers do. I’ve created a schedule that’s realistic for my lifestyle. It’s an honest appraisal of how many hours I can really work on my stuff.

    Also, kindness and compassion (for others and ourselves) is key.
    Because at the end of the day…life will get in the way while we’re busy making plans.

    What are your resolutions or aspirations for 2015?

    Here’s some more inspo on pinterest

    twitter: @elyshalenkin
    instagram: elysha_nyc
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    12 thoughts on “Forget Resolutions: Let’s Make A Plan”

    1. girlgatheringwisdom

      In 2015 I came up with 3 aspirations: 1) Completion of projects already started; 2) Sharing my creative side; and 3) Be more mindful in relationships with others (especially with the children in my life since adults have the most impact and influence on the younger generations). Your post contained words that will affect my aspirations: “practice”, “small steps”, “realistic” and “honest appraisal”. So thank you, Elysha!

    2. GGW, I appreciate you sharing your aspirations here. And you’ve made my day with your comment that my post contained words which will affect them. Thank you!

    3. SirenaTales

      Great advice, and an excellent reminder to me, Elysha. To get back on track for this longstanding dream of mine to choreograph a new solo I need a plan AND I need to stick to it. I had a plan a year ago….but I didn’t follow it :/. Boo. Am getting up from computer NOW and writing a new plan. Maybe I’ll post it on the family calendar for all to see…and maybe help me implement. Thank you for your insight and honesty, my friend. xoxo

    4. For me, I think to just be more relaxed and flow, and take time to really listen. My granddaughters are really good at calling me out if I don’t do these things. Good post, Elysha 🙂

    5. Love your idea to post it to the family calendar…getting everyone on board with your plan! Plus it makes you more accountable 🙂 Thank you for support and friendship. x x

    6. To go with the flow…now that’s a plan!! How lucky you are to have granddaughters that call you out! How old are they? My kids often pull me out of my head and into the present. Kids have a way with that. Thank you, Michele!

    7. The need for a plan is also something I’ve come up with this year 🙂 I’ve been using Leonie Dawson’s workbook to help me…this year my main aspirations are to complete my writing project I’ve been working on, paint the house, complete the renovations and buy a new car 🙂 Yes, two of these require money…so, I will be setting up a writing schedule, I’m giving myself 2 months to do each room, and figuring out exactly how much money I need to finish the renovation and buy a car, and what I can do to to access that.

    8. Love the organization around your plans! Do you paint + renovate your house on your own? We’ve been doing a bit of upgrading around here as well…feels like a good way to start the new year in fresh digs!

    9. I saw the use of “I” when I wrote that and thought that I should change that… 🙂 No, I don’t renovate at all! However, the drive for such things generally comes from me, and I will be convincing the Bear that we need to make the rest of the investment. Most of the painting will be done by me however, which is why I’m giving myself all year to do it. Do you know much about feng shui and Chinese astrology? I read this interesting article the other day, which explained so much of my domestic drive :

    10. What you say is true. Great to have ideas, but useless without a plan. Hmmmm . . . I better get on that. I always think it will just “fall into place”.

    11. Thanks Terre. I often think things will “fall into place” myself which I believe is a good attitude — it’s hopeful. Couple this mentality with a plan, and things have an even better chance of working out.

    12. Thanks for sharing the article, Sara. I like what she wrote about the first thing that catches your eye when you walk in a room should be pleasant. That’s a good starting point when it comes to reorganizing.

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